Chapter 77: Heir, Humiliation [3 more requests for subscription]

Zhou Chun was left within the family clan to assist in the investigation into the potential traitor.

Zhou Daoyi clearly had a special intention in doing so.

At least in Zhou Daoquan's view, he was intentionally cultivating Zhou Chun's ability to manage the clan members.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiahe had left, leaving only the two of them in the hall, he did not hesitate to look at Zhou Daoyi and asked, "Clan Leader, are you planning to train Zhengchun as your successor by having him stay to investigate the traitor?"

And faced with such a direct question, Zhou Daoyi didn't hesitate at all before nodding and saying, "Indeed, I am considering something along those lines."

"But isn't this a bit premature? I'm not saying the kid can't handle it, it's just that he is still too young and his cultivation is far too lacking. By pushing him out into the open now, are you sure it's for his own good?"

Zhou Daoquan looked directly at Zhou Daoyi, voicing his concerns openly.