Chapter 76: Investigation and Speculation [Second Update, Please Subscribe]_2

Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiahe were truly exhausted in body and mind and, upon hearing the words, immediately returned to their residence on Baozhi Peak to rest.

After resting for half a day, Zhou Chun got out of bed with a heavy heart.

The disappearance of Zhou Jiahui at this critical juncture was exceedingly delicate.

Currently, Spirit Beast Restaurant had just revived its business with the big sales of "Touch of Despair". If at this time the production of "Touch of Despair" encountered any issues, that would be a serious problem.

Moreover, Zhou Chun was even more concerned about another issue: if Zhou Jiahui had truly met with an accident, could the location of the underground river possibly become known to outsiders?

With such a heavy heart, he couldn't sit still and went to Hundred Medicines Peak.