Chapter 106: Gaara's Orders! Ikam Plotting!


Gaara's POV (Entryway of Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Gaara silently trekked down the hall eagerly. When was the last time he was hurt? That mere weak woman had managed such. Surely Naruto would prove more capable. When was the last time he had been excited for combat? And to make it even better, it was against no vile human! Oh, Gaara enjoyed slaughtering the humans who defied him but never enjoyed fighting the stronger ones. It was like fighting an insect with a painful sting. It should be weak and ineffective but proved deadly. Undoubtedly, more than a few could defeat him, but it would be through lesser means, or it was a gap Gaara was confident time would close. But fighting his brethren was different. He could enjoy it, relish in it, a clashing of equals.

They were more robust, durable, able to heal from even fatal wounds, they even had access to unique and powerful chakra. Yes, Jinchuriki were the superior species, and a battle between them was one to savor. But his battle lust was not the reason for his determination.

For one it had become clear to Gaara. Despite their inherent superiority his brothers and sisters seemed content to live as mere weapons. For the longest time Gaara had resented such. Still did, but now he realized it wasn't their fault. They needed a leader…

Naruto was the host of the Nine Tailed Beast. If rumors were to be believed it was the strongest of the beast. Power was important, without that they had been victimized and violated. Gaara knew they would need their power if they were ever to live properly. Surely Naruto would fit the bill. Yet Gaara doubted him. No he would lead his kind himself. Either with Naruto as a brother in arms. Or another death for Gaara to regret.

Naruto Uzumaki should've understood. Fuu did, Gaara witnessed it in the way she happily clutched onto her new friends. But Naruto seemed determined to live as if it changed nothing. As if being a jinchuriki was nothing, the fool did not realize his greatness. Nor did he accept the cursed lives they have been given. Such ignorance should be punished…

It was a curse forced upon both of them. Gaara could see the whole picture, but Naruto failed to. The curse the foolish humans gave them turned out to be a blessing. It made them more than mere humans, yet he acted like he would prefer to be one of them.

Clearly, it was up to him to show his brethren the truth. Somehow, they had allowed this endless cycle of sacrifice to continue. The path forward was clear to him to save his people. They needed a leader to be united, and while Gaara had never been a people person, he had learned from the best how to control through fear…

Naruto would merely be the first, and his current existence pained Gaara so that he must resolve it. Fuu would likely be next, weaker and a little dull, but Gaara would show his sister the light as well. Better not to think too far ahead and focus on his target for now. He hoped crushing him in battle would win Naruto over. Though Gaara wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it didn't…

"Gaara!" A gruff voice called and dared to intrude on Gaara's plotting. Gaara's eyes whipped up, and he allowed a slither of malice to leak from his being. No one should dare interrupt him unless it's him…

Baki was the interloper present with his human siblings. The man met his glare fearlessly and even leaked his own killing intent. Gaara doubled his own as fury bubbled beneath his skin. Baki was his sensei in the mere title, a man his father had chosen to be some sort of handler. Powerful and fearless he was the perfect mole for his father. One Gaara could not kill easily nor manipulate. Gaara hated him so…

Gaara was no fool, the man was loyal, robust, and tricky. Gaara was confident he'd be a worthy kill, even as a human. But also was sure his father would kill him for it. But what did the distasteful man want? Why were the other two here as well?

"Gaara, you speak when spoken to." Baki spat with a sneer. "Your father asked us to come and remind you of the mission's parameters."

"While it is amusing listening to you pretend to have control over me, human. I must reject such, I am aware of the rules of the exam and am mentally preparing for such." Gaara responded with a thin veneer of patience. The sound of sand grating inside his gourd almost certainly shattered such anyway.

"Sorry, little brother," Temari apologized politely. "But Father has updated our orders."

"You are, under no circumstances, to kill Naruto Uzumaki." Baki continued with a firm voice. As if speaking to a particularly naughty dog. Furthermore, you must not use the beast, while you can use as much of your power as you like. The beast's power is off limits. It is not needed here." Baki listed as he stood within inches of Gaara. It was torture for Gaara to not allow the sand to clutch him, but he knew his father would slay him if he did. That did not mean he was going to be stopped, however.

"I repeat, Baki, you have no control over me. I intend to do as I please, you cannot stop me." Gaara informed him with a cruel smirk as he walked around the man casually. However, His smirk dropped when Baki stepped in front of him again.

"You truly believe you are a match for me?" Baki asked belligerently. He had always resented Gaara's attitude. "How about your two siblings and me?" Kankuro froze as if he was unsure what to do. Temari spun on one foot as she turned to face Baki herself.

"Excuse me?" Temari asked indignantly. "We may all be loyal to my father but I will not stand against my family!"

Kankuro chuckled in a pathetic attempt to dispel the tension. "Guys, we're all on the same team here…"

"Are we?" Gaara asked as he shoved his way through, quickly knocking Kankuro and Baki off their feet. "It seems you lot can't even decide if you're against or with me. Let me assure you, though, it makes no difference. I will do what I came here to do, if any of you, hell or all of you humans, attempt to stop me, I'll kill every single one of you." He continued his slow trek to face his target. Gaara heard the scramble of feet and hands as Kankuro and Baki stood. Kankuro stood and fearfully stepped back while Baki attempted to step forward. "Think about it, sensei. Are you really willing to die? Because I don't believe in exceptions." Gaara asked as he looked into his eyes.

Gaara could only guess at what the man saw, but whatever it was convinced him of Gaara's wisdom. For the man growled and stood still, Temari nodded happily while Kankuro seemed to look at anywhere but Gaara's direction. Gaara chuckled bodily as he left them.

'Today is a fine day to die… Naruto…'


 Ikam's POV (??? - Land of Water)

Ikam sat at the head of a long table where his two most loyal and valuable men were. Well, a man and a woman, he supposed. The group was pecking at a meal before them, truthfully just biding time as they patiently waited for him to address them. Masked servants marched throughout the room either following orders or serving them. The table was covered in a veritable feast. Each plate was packed with all sorts of delicacies.

Ikam had several problems to consider. His presence was needed in the Mist to get the ball rolling on his latest ploy upon his arrival. Yet, more tasks required attention. First, and at least morally speaking, the most important was the request of his ally. Orochimaru had warned him of an imminent attack at his head base. The man had requested his aide, and being where he was, Ikam had rejected such a request. Now, Orochimaru had sent news of multiple parties closing in. Reporting his survival was looking more and more unlikely. While Ikam did not love the Snake Sannin, he was a helpful friend. Certainly more useful alive than dead. Finally, their ploy with the tanuki had failed, but a new lead had presented itself. Ikam needed someone viable to investigate such. Yes, the answer was clear.

"Mishio, my love." Ikam addressed first, he forced a level of compassion he didn't truly feel. Mishio, ever the helpless sap, failed to see such.

"Yes, dear?" She asked patiently.

"I need you to investigate the new lead we had regarding the scroll we discovered." Ikam informed sternly. "I have a team of mercenaries to send with you. Slay anyone who might stand in your way. If we can secure this resource, it will greatly aid our goals. I have a way to send you and the team to the destination. You leave in two days."

"As you wish, dear." Mishio nodded. Ikam hummed as he considered the next point. With a nod to himself, he decided to take the following action. It was time to use that accursed technique. "Devil's Possession: Devil's Doll!" With a puff of smoke, a sizable human-sized scroll appeared in the room. The scroll was obviously ancient, weathered, and worn from the effects of time. It was the Scroll of the Living Doll, a scroll hidden in the Land of Whirlpool before its fall. Now Ikam had it in his possession. Mishio sighed at seeing such, while Ashira merely nodded. With a flick of his newest blade, Rageburst, the dark blade grew more and more red as the power grew in it, the chakra in the air seemed caustic, and allowed the blade to slice through the enhanced chains with ease. Freed the scroll, it unfurled with a whoosh of air and revealed a large and complicated seal. There was a poof as a short, naked woman appeared out of it. She had long red hair pulled into twin tails and black eyes.

Ikam and Co sighed as they waited for it to pass.

The woman looked around the room fearfully, shaken as if cold. She desperately crawled to her feet and slowly crawled away from the three watching her with unnerving focus.

"Where am I? Where is Mukuto?" She asked dazed and with growing fear.

"Sorry, mam," Ikam offered. "But your body is merely being used. We have no use for your filthy Uzumaki soul." He spat cruelly. With a snap several of the masked men suddenly appeared and ensured the woman could not run.

The woman's eyes suddenly filled with knowing terror. "It's you again! You attacked me! Sealed me away! Where the hell is my family!"

"Indeed, my love did," Mishio chimed in. "Likely he left the other either dying or dead. Worry not soon you'll join them."

"What?! Please don't hurt me! I won't tell anyone!" She begged with despair.

"Sorry, mam, this is cruel, but you must pay for the sins of our clan," Ashira assured her with a cruel and maniac smile. "It should start now. A voice in your head that slowly gets louder."

"What should start? Wait what are you saying? I'm not… no… please stop! No PLEASE! AAAAAAAAAAA!" She suddenly burst out in screams. She collapsed on the ground and writhed wildly as she screamed in pain and terror. Ikam and the others did not flinch, the men surrounding her stepped back and continued on their way unaffected by it. Ikam's group of degenerates were content with this. In their minds the Uzumaki deserved no less, and they had done this before to many victims. It meant nothing to them. As suddenly as the screams started, they stopped, however.

Ikam stood and unsealed a robe, chucking it towards the woman.

The woman kipped up with ease and caught it. She wrapped herself up as she chuckled, her tone had changed, containing an edge of malice and lunacy it had been missing before. "Damn bastard thought you were going to leave me dead! Those two were fucking monsters!"

"Considering such, and the fact you're infuriating. You're lucky to be alive right now. Even luckier that your bloodline makes you valuable. If any of the others could survive the process we'd replace you." Ikam informed coldly.

"Don't be like that, boss, I'm a woman again. I could even be yours if you wished." The woman said as she posed suggestively. Mishio suddenly appeared in front of her, glaring darkly. Ikam scoffed at such, Leifazu was insane and his constant body hopping had not helped such. Mishio was insanely devoted to him and known to be jealous. They were lucky Ikam tolerated such…

"Stop the games, Leifazu." Mishio warned.

Leifazu laughed at such wantonly. "Sorry, I've died so much that I can't even remember my original gender. But man, I love being a woman the most!" She started to stretch shamelessly, exposing the curves of her new body to the group. Ikam could care little, Mishio was furious to see her expose herself to Ikam and Ashira, the old-fashioned man he was, looked away from her as if embarrassed for her. "Anywho, I know you well enough not to bring me back unless convenient to ya. Another death mission by chance?"

"Doubtful, I am sending you and Ashira on a quest, after all. I could scarcely afford to lose two valuable soldiers at once." Ikam answered with a smirk. "I need the two of you to assist the Sound. Specifically their leader Orochimaru of the Sannin."

"We are to aid him? While an ally, I had doubted you cared much for his safety. Certainly not enough to get involved in what sounds to be a complex situation." Ashira asked with a raised brow.

"I never liked that snake." Mishio chimed in. "Can we not just let him and his pathetic men die?"

"It would be amusing, but my ally is useful in many ways. We share common enemies and an understanding only men of our stature could achieve. I cannot afford to leave the Mist right now, but you two are to do so and aid him in any way you can. Leifazu, you are permitted to die if it allows him an advantage. Ashira, you are not to perish as I will be preoccupied and unable to save you."

"Oh joy, I was hoping I'd get to face death again," Leifazu complained with a hand on her hip.

"Understood, sir." Ashira offered simply.

Ikam smiled, it was almost time for him to move again.