Chapter 107: Shadow Duo on the Move! Battle of the Jinchuriki Begins!


? / ? - Hidden Base (Somewhere in Land of Sound)

Tensu was a lanky man with thinning hair much past his prime. An unremarkable man if not for his occupation. Yet Tensu ran with a desperation inside of him that felt alien to him now. It reminded him of his days as a missing shinobi on the run. Running with all his might, terrified of being caught. Yet he was certain it was for nothing. He had the odd feeling he wouldn't survive today. His life had been changed, the Hidden Sound had been recruiting through the black market, offering significant sums to any man willing to work without questions. That had been something Tensu was unaware would be a life defining moment.

Signing up had been simple. The work was more accessible and profitable than most crime, sure, it was morally bankrupt. But so were most professions, criminal or otherwise, at least Tensu hadn't claimed to be a good person like most posers. At first, it was simple and easy: guard here, patrol there, rough these people up, and kill some intruders. Not the most incredible work but within reasonable expectations. Tensu had worked hard, loyally, and never asked questions. Such led to him quickly rising in the station he had been placed. Eventually, Orochimaru himself made him an offer personally. Became the boss of one of his hidden labs, protected it with his life, and ensured his experiments were carried out. It sounded like a cushy upgrade,almost too good to be true, but one Tensu took nearly instantly.

The job had taken an immediate dark turn. Sure, it was hidden incredibly well, but Tensu wasn't sure how anyone unaware would ever find it, especially with it mostly underground. So Tensu doubted he would ever have to risk his neck for it. Better yet, the scientist, workers, and bodyguards present all ensured his "running it" was purely a metaphor. The experiments had been the trade-off Tensu supposed. The only part that had made the money-focused man ever hesitate. The screams of victims tortured for the most mundane of study. Capturing the defenseless knowing the fate waiting for them was worse than death. It had turn his easy job into a haunting one.

Experiments were undoubtedly a word for it. But to Tensu's apparently ignorant eyes, it seemed more like tasteless, soul-shattering, old-fashioned torture. It was like a scary story that was dramatically told to kids had came to life. Men were dissected alive, forced to starve, and drugged with experimental and often detrimental chemicals. There seemed to be no limit to the horrors committed. All done by scientists forced or coerced by his leader.

Tensu cared little, though, he was much too deep to return now. He had found peace with it, drank during the night to forget the screams and deny any guilt he felt. But now he felt nothing but terror. Two men, it had only been two. Yet they had broken in and quickly began slaughtering the men inside. Tensu ran desperately through the halls, screams, cries, and names of jutsu echoed off the wall as the defenders tried to fight them off.

What had Tensu ever done to deserve such? He was not that bad of a guy! He burst through the double set of doors towards the emergency exit. There were several terrified scientists and grim and focused enforcers present. Ignoring such a thing, Tensu attempted to run through the group to escape, but two enforcers caught him and forced him to stay.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! We need to fucking run! There are two killing machines in there! Let's fucking leave!." Tensu pleaded as he attempted to pull himself free. But even a single enforcer was similar to Tensu. He was helpless to leave.

The lead scientist and Orochimaru's favorite in base. An absolute bastard named Rin stepped forward. While intelligent and the favored one of them, Rin was far from combative and seemed just as scared as Tensu. Yet his words proved the difference between the two.

"Orochimaru asked us to face the threat head-on and repel them. We cannot afford to risk this base." Rin recited.

"Come on, don't be stupid, you damn egghead!" Tensu snapped. "He's lying! He's hoping we can soften them up! Sacrificing us." His words were cut off when one of the enforces hit him hard in the side. Tensu could hear his ribs snap from the blow. He dropped to his knees and began to cough up blood.

"Our master has spoken." The large man offered coldly.

A scream of pain ended the argument. The stone exit hall of their base was lit with mere candles and offered a terrifying atmosphere as the group waited. Suddenly, three glowing red eyes stared from within the darkness.

Itachi and Obito Uchiha marched into the hall facing the group.

The same enforcer who had snuck Tensu roared an order upon seeing them. "Everyone, kill them! Half for each!" It was foolish they had fought their way to them. Indeed, they, like Tensu, realized the folly of such. But to his horror, enforcers and scientists alike charged with screams of desperation.

Tensu felt a small trinket of hope as they did. Twenty enforcers, all Chunin level, and twenty scientists armed with various weapons. They would pose a threat to any shinobi within such a confined space.

The left group charged for the man with a single glowing Sharingan. The man casually strolled towards the mob of men. Who quickly bodily surged into him and must've literally buried him in bodies. Unleashing blows upon their downed foe. Tensu nearly cheered, perhaps this was a reasonable effort. His eyes slid to the right group, and the budding hope died as soon as his eyes landed on them.

Each and everyone stood utterly still as if frozen. Worse yet, the men each were screaming out in terror as the horror approached. Itachi was not nearly as handicapped as them. And with brutal skill, they marched through the group, thrusting kunai into each of their chests. Each died quickly and likely painlessly, yet each death filled Tensu with terror. "Should've just left, those who lack the Sharingan only see what I wish," Itachi remarked as he finished his grim task. Tensu stood and tensed as he prepared to fight for his life.

But a whistle brought a shiver of terror through his body. Obito sat on top of the pile of bodies. Somehow, they were completely unharmed and freed, instantly defeating them all.

Tensu whimpered as he collapsed again. Itachi and Obito approached the man casually as they discussed amongst themselves. "Man, it feels like it's been forever, Tachi!" Obito dramatically complained.

"This is only the most recent base we've taken over." Itachi countered. "We've been swamped."

"Not what I meant!" Obito complained again. "Anyway, do the thing."

Tensu, sensing what was coming next, felt it was best to interject.

"Just tell me what you want to know! I'm a squealer, I swear!" Tensu promised. Itachi walked up silently, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and lifted him up to look him in the eye. "Please, no need for torture! I'll talk and only speak the truth!"

"I know you will. You'll have no choice." Itachi replied. "I will find out everything you know and don't know. If you're lucky, you'll live."

"No, please!" Tensu pleaded.

"Tsukuyomi." Itachi countered. There was no malice in his voice, yet no mercy.

Tensu was unsure where he had gone, but suddenly, he was on a cross, his hand and feet nailed to such. Tensu knew somewhere deep in his mind it was genjutsu, but it felt so natural he screamed out regardless of the waves of pain that came from each limb.

"My, this may prove too much for you." Itachi sounded.

Tensu focused on the man deliriously through the pain. To his horror, there were hundreds of him. Each wielding what seemed to be a dull tanto.

"You will tell me everything. But first, I will subject you to this for twenty-four hours." Itachi informed before one of him stepped forward and embedded his tanto into Tensu's leg with a powerful thrust. His vision went white as he howled in pain.

"Please," Tensu begged. "I'll tell you everything…"

"You will." Itachi nodded. "But this will ensure you suffer for your sins and tell the truth.

Tensu admitted the knowledge of Orochimaru's location after twenty-five stabs. Told of his limited understanding of his abilities after fifty, and told him anything and everything by one hundred. By one hundred twenty, the man had gone silent and merely sobbed. Itachi, confident the man was broken and therefore truthful, freed him.

Tensu sobbed in the real world as his body radiated in pain. He did not suffer long as Obito, with a frown, thrust a kunai into his chest. At this point, it felt familiar there.

Obito's POV

Obito felt shame and fury as the pitiful man beneath his blade died. It was a quick and primarily merciful death, but it had been too late. Obito had suffered the effects of that genjutsu. Lesser men stood no chance of surviving its effects with sanity intact. "You could've been more gentle, the guy seemed shell-shocked. Probably drove him insane near instantly."

"I tortured him, such would only make sense," Itachi replied evenly. "I admire your sense of morality, my friend, but remember that these men facilitated the horrors we witnessed. They deserve no mercy."

"We shouldn't take lives so lightly," Obito said bitterly. "Though I suppose we have no choice. I'll make sure Orochimaru suffers for this personally…"

"We'll have to catch him first, unfortunately for him, we now know his location," Itachi confirmed. "I assume you know the presence that has been following us?"

"Was hoping they'd try their luck while we hit the base." Obito admitted. "I was tempted to go confront them. Should we hit them before we take out the snake?"

Itachi hummed as he walked by his comrade towards the light shining from the exit of the subterranean base. "No, we can't risk the Sannin potentially leaving the base while we do so. Besides, if they make a move on us, we shall simply take care of them."

"Perks of being badass~!" Obito sang. "Sounds like a plan, tachi~!"

"Grow up."

Naruto's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena)

As Naruto stepped into the arena's light, the total weight of the moment settled onto him. He wore a golden scarf wrapped around his neck as he marched in. It swayed in the wind as he did so. As much as it sounds arrogant, the matches were mainly fun before now. Perhaps competitive, but never severe. He had enjoyed fighting such unique people, conquering the drama between them, and finding a way to triumph. Yet there was no doubt that this fight would be different in Naruto's mind.

Even the crowd seemed aware that the next match was to be observed closely. There was a dull roar of chatter, almost certainly people discussing their bets or their favorite to win. Even his mere emergence caused a burst of noise. Not applause, the audience seemed firmly against him as a jinchuriki, but since Gaara was also such, it was likely the spectacle of such. Sasuke's and Fuu's bout had shown them what it took to defeat a jinchuriki. So, for two to clash would surely be a treat.

Naruto was determined to give them as they wished. Gaara was a unique case, someone he doubted he could win over with his words. It seemed Gaara was obsessed with power. Naruto wondered if it was due to him believing jinchuriki was superior…

Gaara appeared in the arena with a mere gust of wind. Naruto expected nothing less and matched his glare with his own. Kakashi senses the tension building between the two. Naruto could see he seemed hesitant. Likely, Kakashi feared for Naruto facing Gaara.

Naruto couldn't resent him for such. Gaara seemed content to enjoy the moment. No longer hiding his presence, he seemed to radiate a wave of intent to kill. It washed over Naruto, and slowly, the arena was in waves. Those like Naruto and Kakashi stood firm, somewhat flinching at the action but not of fear. Some civilians in the audience screamed out in terror. Others fainted on the spot.

It likely would've been worse, but Naruto felt his pride flare. He wouldn't let Gaara terrorize him or anyone else. He had no intent to kill but every intent to be the victor of this match. Naruto allowed his confidence to show with ease. An aura of his own subconsciously activated and clashed with Gaara's. Unlike the Suna shinobi, it was peaceful yet competitive. A contrast to the violent malice of Gaara's.

The two auras left the crowd safe but tense as the two allowed their mere presence to clash with each other.

"Now now, ne~!" Kakashi chided lightly. "No need for the killing intent. You're not the only killer present~! Behave~!"

Gaara chuckled happily as he suddenly stopped it, and Naruto followed his lead. "Forgive me, human, I merely got absorbed in the moment. Naruto Uzumaki, today is the day. I will test your worth, if you are a liability to our ascension, I will slay you where you stand. Fret not, Uzumaki, today will be one for history!"

Kakashi and Naruto blinked in sync. Kakashi walked over to the blonde and lowered himself to his ear. "If you want to surrender, I wouldn't think less of you. This guy is some sorta psycho." Kakashi whispered playfully. Yet Naruto could detect earnest concern in his tone.

"Nah," Naruto whispered back with a smile. "Guy needs someone to knock him into place. Besides, we're apparently brothers."

"Riiiiiight~," Kakashi said with mock understanding. With a twirl, he turned to address the crowd, his voice booming as the crowd roared, approving of the match to come. "Naruto Uzumaki VS Gaara of the Sand begins! NOW!" Kakashi puffed away with that.

"Why do you care if your so-called "brothers" and "sisters" are strong or weak? You resent humans for being divisive and cruel yet intend to judge your supposed own kind? Sounds like some sort of hypocrite to me. No better than those who take advantage of the weak!" Naruto rebutted with a frown. He smiled for a moment when he saw Gaara lose his own smirk. But it remained shortly after as he chuckled.

"An amusing point, Uzumaki, but I recognize that power in this world is all that matters. The very world is full of humans who resent our superior existence. We cannot afford to be weak, should any of us prove to be, I will offer them mercy by killing them before someone else does. Perhaps their replacement will prove to be a better option. I recognize it as cruelty, but it is necessary cruelty. I cannot afford to be the brother of a weakling." Gaara replied fanatically.

"We aren't any different than the rest of humans!" Naruto snapped with a growl. At impressive speed, he had Riptide drawn and even flowed with charka. "You call us different to make yourself feel better about society rejecting you! Ever consider proving them wrong!"

"Oh, I will, Naruto Uzumaki. I'll prove them and you wrong…" Gaara promised menacingly. He seemed upset at Naruto's words. "Now shut up and fight before I kill you." As soon as he finished, he raised his hands dramatically. A massive wall of sand raised behind him. Easily the size of a two-story building, it rose into a wall before it started to surge toward Naruto like a tsunami. "Sand Tsunami!"

The wave was more significant than the one he had used against Kiba. It tore any obstacle in its path from the ground and crushed it within the constantly motion sand.

"This is merely a trifling from me, Uzumaki! Your humanity is a weakness! Now scramble for your pitiful life!" Gaara roared as the wave was within several feet of the blonde…