New journey

A few days later, Raya funeral, Waking up have been getting used to the body , I woke up in a really bad mood because it was my brother funeral day in my body.

I still can't believe he sacrificed himself for me no more cries, but action, so I motivated myself up to get to the shower, brushed my teeth and stopped at the mirror and stared at my brother body which is now my I will put you to good use I promise.

I got out of the shower and went to my brother's closet, which is now mine, I picked a pair of black pants and a black shirt ,and fixed my hair and got out of the room and walked to where the funeral is being held.

I got there. I saw my mum and dad sitting together. I went to their side and sat with them when my father and mother saw me they said they wanted to talk to me., "Okay, ' my mother and father looked at me weirdly and brushed it off and got to the conversation.

We are going to have to send you off ,' My father stated, ' Why?' Because we received a threat saying this is the beginning ,the one that happened that made us lose your sister was because we didn't take the threat seriously, 'My mother replied,' I was dumbfounded I didn't even know what to say.

So, one of my men is going to escort out of Italy to maybe New York or any country apart from Italy I prepared an account for you already that is enough for you to live any live you want ,'My father explained.

I was still staring, 'Say something, Jaxon,my mother question, 'Who did it? I asked ,'Who did what, 'My father asked, ' Sent someone to kill my sister. I respond ,' Jaxon, you don't need to know that for now. Okay, after this program, you are leaving okay ,'my mother said.

But what about my things,' You are not picking anything you can get anything you want okay so it finally,' My father commented

After my brother's funeral, I quickly went to my room and picked the bracelets that only me and my brother shared , our parents got it for us when we were five, so I picked wore it to my left hand it was heart in two.

pieces bracelets, so I wore it, and the bracelets were full heart again .Even though my brother died in my place, we will always be locked in.

I got outside and I saw my parents waiting for me they both hugged me and said survive for us and avenge us they clearly said it in a low voice but I was able to catch the words, I noded that was when my mother bend down and kissed my checks and my father hand over one black and gold cards to me.

These cards contain enough money for you never to be poor in your life and it untraceable or they won't be able to lock it down even the man escorting you doesn't know about it, ' My father added.

So please live your life and don't die a meaningless death,'My mother said,' Tears were forming in my eyes he was about to enter the car that when he remembered something his brother told him to do for him before he died.

Mother, have you seen the girl that used to sit down in the front of that house? he pointed his hand to the house cause they were neighbours,' Yes, they packed last week because of the incident that happened 3weeks ago,'my mother replied.

Do you have any idea where did they pack to ? he asked curiously, ' Yes, inexorable York, my mother replied once again,' I jumped up and pecked her checks cause for some reason it feels like the last one I hugged my dad and enter the car.

A few hours later, we got to the airport where one of my dad and mom jets were parked .Sir, which country are you going to ,'the man asked, 'New York I replied, we board on the plane New journey ahead.

A/N:Please bear with my writing till few chapters. I promise to change it, thank you