New chapter

We are landing in New York in 5 minutes. Please have your sit belt on, The pliots announced, ' I quickly put my seat belt on and relaxed on the back of the chair I was on.

Sir, I have bad news ,'The man escorting me said,' Sir, what is it? I asked politely, ' Your parents are dead ,'I was shocked and not shocked. I had a feeling they knew they were going to die but didn't want me to die along with them.

Who killed them,' That was still my question who did it ,'The Capo younger brother, 'the man answered,' My father younger brother killed my sister and my parents what did he gain because of just the sit he ruined my family.

Massiom Vns Grayson, I promise to kill you with my bear hands, and I will make you watch your kids die just like I watched my brother die.

12 years later, paah paaah paha, I was hitting the punching bag and kicking it. It has been 12 years now,12 years, of not taking revenge for my brother and parents , Massiom is now the Capo, and I have been training for 12 years nonstop.

I learned muai Thai, and even teakwondo and shooting in a time span of 12 years.

I still haven't seen Ella for the past 12 years, and to be truthful, I haven't put much effort into finding her cause I was more focused on my new body and I don't want to waste my second chances.

So now I think I am ready to find her. I have to fulfil my brother's will before I die.

I walked out of the training centre and went to the living room of the house, when I got to New York I bought a 2 bedrooms apartment with a very spacious training center to be able to train comfortably and I cook for myself.

Ding ding ding, I picked my phone from the table it was ringing , Hello Das,', ' Hi Nicolas, today is your birthday mate get ready I will be there in 20 minutes, 'No no am not going..beep , Before I could finish my words Das hang the call on me.

That bastard hung up on me. I guess I have to get ready. Das was the man my parents sent to escort me. Now we are best friends he helped me and I helped him I told him to live his life and just be following me now he has a girlfriend but his still a bastard.