
I was still pissed because he hung up on me, but not only that, I didn't want to celebrate my birthday cause it reminde me of my brother in my body, When I got to New York I wanted to start everything fresh I changed my name to Nicolas because any time I hear Jaxon I always remember that bad day so I decided to change my name.

I stood there over 5 minutes thinking about everything that had happened for the past 12 years. It was a really long time, but I didn't even live it just passed in a blink of eyes ,am sure if my brother is alive he would have about 2 kids now or just flexing around if he doesn't marry Ella but instead am just wasting it.

I will take my revenge, and maybe I should just live a little after my thoughts, I make my way to the bathroom and shower.

After the shower, I walked to the mirror and looked at myself ,'Am now about 6f4, 193cm, Now my body is filled with muscles 8packs, Brown short well kept hair and a beautiful ocean eyes that seems to be in pain.

Cause I am, I did say I was going to make good use of this body, and I did. I dried my hair with a hair dryer and fixed my straight hair to the side, I moved to my closest and picked some plain clothes.

I wore a black over sized t-shirt and cargo pants. I walked out of my apartment and got the elevator, I pressed 10, a few minutes later, ding, I got off the elevator, and I make my way to the car waiting for me Das already told me he was outside so I walked to the Suv , it looked quite luxurious in the outside I walked to the car and open the door and sat down at the front sit with Das inside the car.

So where are we heading to ,' I asked, ' IT a surprise birthday boy.

The ride was silent, although before I decided to speak, ' Das I have something to tell you,' Go ahead, what is it,' I want to assemble people I don't think I can do it alone i said ,' I also thought of it but I was waiting for you to bring the idea up but since you did I will make some calls and look for some potential people to join us,' Das stated,' Thank you so much, I replied.

So forget about it and let enjoy it today. your birthday, mate.