
We finally got the club,and we spent another 10 minutes looking for a space to park, and we finally found one it so annoying, but what can I do Das drag me along inside the club.

The inside was so loud I couldn't even hear myself it actually my first time coming to a club I found it werid. I saw a bunch of ladies' half-naked grinding their asses on men.

I'm still in my thoughts, Das dragged me to the Vip table.

In the vip, the noise was down a bit ,I sat down at the leather chair, and another set of ladies brought drinks to our table.

Das dragged me closer to him and whispered ,' That lady is staring at you ,'What lady, I asked, confused.' Over there he pointed.

No, I don't think it me, maybe she is staring at the chairs ,I stated with sweat forming on my head,' This the dumbest reasons I have ever heard," Das replied.

You know what, if you can't be a man, I will be for you,' Das pushed me to the girl like really he did am I dreaming,'Hello, ' A very sweet and melodious voice sounderd in front of me.

Her voice is like music that I always want to listen to. I shaked my head, getting that stupid thoughts of my head ,"Hi ,' I heard it again. I am definitely not dreaming Nicholas be a man for your brother ready, I braced myself and faced her.

Hello am Nicholas. I stated, " Nice to meet you, Nicholas. am Nova, she said with her hand in my hand she was shaking me. I was just staring at her like a fool before I snapped out of it.

She was beautiful to have caught my eyes since my brother's deaths. I have to live the life he wants with the one I want , All my time is spent in training, which is why I need to get a crew and take my revenge on Massiom vns Grayson.

'Is something wrong she asked with a worried face on'' No, not at all. I was just lost in my thoughts. I replied with a smiling face, How about we have a sit in the vip? I can't hear you properly i suggested. "Of course, why not.

We booked a Vip room to have a conversation, ' We got to the room we both sat down ,I don't know, but I have a feeling this girl is not has simple as she looks ,' She is about 5f8 her hair is ash blonde and she looks beautiful with it she looks so fitted, But there is something about her eyes that is black like bottom of a pit lost in it I know this because am just like ,that why I decided to have a private conversation.

With her, She will make a great addition to my crew she beautiful but I don't see her as someone I can date we both in pain I need someone who can relive me of my pain like Ella.

Nove Pov: A week earlier, it was a normal morning for my training, rest sleeping, and work, Ding Ding Ding,' Who the hell is calling me now? I yelled and walked to the phone and picked it aggressive.

'Hello. Is this N' a deep voice said from the other line, "Yes, how may I be of service?" I have a job for you. I want you to eliminate someone in a week's time. I will send the details to you,'the man said.' Okay, but you are not talking price.

Name your price, the voice said, "5 million dollars and consider your job done." I will give you 10. I want a clean and smooth job.

The details are forwarded to you, and I have your bank details. Your money is sent to you. N I want great news a week from now, "the voice said and hung up.

I looked at the details sent to me,credit alert of 10m,and the details of my client, his good looking only God knows what he did wrong to be want dead soon as possible that none of my business mine to do my work.