Das worried

Ding dong, ding,dong ding dong,

'Knock knock knock '

I opened my eyes and am fighting the urge not to go back to sleep even though I wanted to, but the doorbell won't let me.

I got up with a pissed face on and walked to the living room and opened the door 'Man what took you so long I have been knocking and ringing your doorbell for the past 15 minutes now Das said.

'What are you doing here so early? I replied between my yawn.' Whatever, what happened yesterday? Das asked, "You know I got so scared I wanted to come really early, but my girl won't let me." Did you tell her I asked with a worried face ,' she asked what happened, but I told her it was a secret.

ahh Nicholas sighed. Come in. Let's talk about it inside ,' Okay, mate.

A few minutes later, what! Das scremed how could she do that and what! you gave her your card, are you dumb mate,' Will you calm down? I said and stop screaming like an old lady,' Why won't I scream she stabbed you, and you gave her your card. Is that what turns you on? What a weird fantasy!.

Das stop screaming and listen to me, okay,' Okay, what he asked, ' we talked about crew, right? I ,' Yes, so how does it relate Das asked, with a confused face ," Don't you think she will make a great addition to the team and also there something about her I can't say but am drawn to her Nic said.

I knew it was your werid fantasy, so it turns you on for a girl to stab you, and rrr Das roared what a werid mate, but I think you are right.

But how do you plan to bring your killer to your team? Das asked, We would wait for her. Nic replied with a smirk on his face before it switched back to the cold face.

'Okay, okay, I am starving Nic. I want to eat' Am I your girl? so what my business is if you are starving Nic asked ,' You can never be my girl.

Das hurriedly rejected, you are too big to be my girl mate and you not even a girl Das click his tounge.

"Whatever, there is some cereal over there," Nic said. "I know you won't watch your best mate to starve to death. Das replied with a smile on his face.

Okay, I changed my mind. Nic commented on Das

no, no, don't do that Das said while running to the counter table to pick the cereal,

What a weird guy, Nic thought.


Yes, Das answered. I am going to take my bath. Okay, Nic said, ' Okay, be quick, so we can head to the organization Das said with his mouth full of cereal, 'What organization?, "Be quick Das said ,Okay am going Nic replied while walking to take my bath.