
In the car, Das, where are we going to Nic asked?' The organization this the 100th time I am answering you Das replied, ' I know, but what organization Nic asked again, ' Wait for 5 more minutes, and you will know okay Das replied with a fed up face, Okay.

5 minutes later, ' We are finally here Das said this is the organization where we will find the rest of our team since we have Noval, right? ,' I don't know if we have Noval, but I would like to think so Nic replied.

I got off the car and looked at the building where Das said we find the rest of our team mate it looks plain outside. Two stories buildings are plain outside.

Are you ready, mate Das asked

Yes, I am. Let's see what we got. I replied.

We got inside, and inside is definitely not plain like outside the inside is bubbling with people .

This looks like where you hire people for different works. Some are seated, and some are training it reckin of sweats, I was in my thoughts until, Ouch, why did you step on my leg? Das asked.

Why did you pinch me? I Nic asked

How d..di d you know well it doesn't matter it fair game now Das said let go and stop zoom out on me okay

Okay, I replied.

I was in my thoughts before I felt like I had been pinched, but it wasn't a feeling it was Das who pinched me he thought I was still my thoughts so I decided to step on him.

Present ,' Hello sirs, would you like to register in the organization ,' a lady asked us,' No, but we would like to meet some people here for a job Das replied the lady.

"Ohh, so you want you to hire, right?" The lady asked.

"Yes, Das replied

Okay, please follow me.

The lady said

Okay ,let go. Das said to me , " Okay, I followed both of them. we got to a door. The lady opened it, and the room was more of a vip room to have a private conversation,'Sirs please sit here while prepare one of our best people for you,

The lady said with a flirtatious voice, which is for Das and not me before working out.

I guess I will have to rat you out to your girl that you are smiling with another girl I said with a smirk on my face.

what are you talking about, Nic

You know, so don't pretend you don't. I replied ,

Know what she smiled at me, and I smiled at her back. Das said.

Am still rating you out, man. "

Okay, fine, please don't right me out. Das pleaded with a pleading tone.

Your girl is so lucky you are begging like this. I commented,'

And your is unlucky course you are we wicked Das reply

Whatever, man ,we both continue our rambling before laughing.