Finally his out

"He still hasn't come out. it has been two days after the mission, and Nic hasn't come out of his room since the mission. All of them are sickly worried about him. Sometimes, all of them will go to his door knock for hours but no response.

"Have been in my room for the past two days pouting inside my room while reality slap me in the face real hard if she could make me feel this helplessly, then what about, Massiom. Tabitha is just like a tip to Massiom.

"I need to protect people close to me, and Ella.How can I even protect them if I can't protect myself.

"Every time I tried to sleep, all the memories resurface , I need to let it go. And continued my plan we got the fd ,I learned my mistakes not to underestimate my enemies ever again, Nic thought.

"Before opening his door for the past two days and strode to the living room where all of them are gathered more like a have discussion.

"Hem hem.Nic cleared his throat, which got the attention of the people in bar stool .They all turned their head and saw Nic and ran to him too.

Give him hugs. Noval hugs his front Das, and Leo hugs his side.

"You got us scared since you didn't reply ,Noval slightly hit.Nic chest, which got him to chuckle.

"When the Huggers settled down, and they all sat on the couch waiting for Nic to break the silence.

"Guys, thank you for saving me. Thank you, Noval ,Nic thanked all of them.

"Since our mission is a success, then let reap the benefit can I have the fd Noval , Nic requested.

"Noval gave the fd to him, Nic collected it, and went to the secret mission room to collect the information on the fd.

"A few minutes later, Nic was looking at all information in front of him he was right about, Tabitha being an alliance of Massiom.

"Now I know all the warehouses they have in this country, I will eliminate them one by one, but I need to find Ella and other team mate.

"Nic, store the information to his fd so he won't have to worry about him losing the information, and the money he got accessed to was over 500 million dollars.

"And he split the money into 4, and send 125 million dollars to each of his team mate and took his own share.

"Bzzz! ,tsk tsk,Leo clicked his tongue before checking the message his received, but it was not only him that received the message,Noval and Das too.

"The moment they saw the content of the message, Leo and Noval eyes almost popped out of their sockets they could believe thier eyes they had to slap thier cheeks to comfirm they are not dreaming when they saw the alerts from their Bank.

"Which is 125 million each ,Das just laughed cause he knew this was ,Nic doing. and that also when he sighted, Nic and gave him thumb up ,Nic responded with a nod.