"Am dreaming Noval!.Leo shouted while shaking Noval. "We are not Leo, I think. Nic sent the money."But why will he do that? He paid us our weekly money before we moved in! Leo shouted again. "I don't know Leo why don't we ask him? Noval suggested.

That is a good idea. Let go ,Leo dragged, Noval with along side with him she didn't even have time to reject cause he had already dragged her.

"They saw Nic at the bar stool sipping a whiskey. Nicholas, did you send us money? Leo voice was serious. Did I do something wrong that you call my full name? Just answer my question, Leo insisted.

"Yes, I sent it," Nic responded. Why did you send it? Did you pay us in advance for our weekly wages, Leo question Nic again. " No, it is the reward we received from the successful mission," Nic replied while sipping his drink. "Bi..but but... but is that not much you know you could take it for yourself Leo starmmed.

"Na, I don't work like that. We work it successful. We share the loots. Noval was speechless with Nic response cause she didn't know that the team she joined temporarily would make her rich overnight.

Leo was short of words cause he couldn't even believe it he never lived a luxurious life he just to do all the work to survive but he just joined this weird team and his rich in a blink of eyes.

The same could be said for Noval, who was speechless. "Both of them wanted to question Nic again, but he stood and left a word for them,Why don't guys go for shopping or something, you guys have a day off, so use it wisely and he walked away.

"They were both still shocked and standing there for about half a minute before, Das came to tap them. Are you guys going to be standing forever, or will you go shopping ,Das asked well anyways am going to my. Girl House since we have a day off adios.

They didn't even have the time to reply, Das cause he already walked out of penthouse, leaving them alone. Well, since Nic said we have a day off, I am going to shop some clothes and other things that I need , Bye Leo said.

Leo left the hotel through the front and ordered a ride to take him to the clothes shopping line. He got to his destination shop a lot of clothes like suits and casual plain and etc throughout the day he was just shopping left and right.

Finally it 6 in the evening, he was done with all of his shopping spring and decided to head home unknown to him he was being followed since morning he got the hotel and got out of the ride and payed.

With his hand all occupied with a lot of bags, but he was still being watched by this unknown person, he felt it but didn't pay attention to it.

And walked to the penthouse and went to his room to drop all of his bags.