
Leo arranged all that he bought and decided to head out to have fun ,but the feeling of someone following him grew.

But he got the club had fun for hours, danced all his pain away, and celebrated the money he got by joining the merchant team.

It was already 3 in the morning Leo was still having fun grinding at the back of different ladies and kissing bunch of different girls definitely a man whore.

finally, 5 in the morning, Leo got ready to go home his institution grew more so he decide to see if his right and got out of the club walk to some dark alley and keep walking until he heard footsteps.

He told around and saw a man about 6f3 with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, but he wasn't sure about the eyes cause it was dark.

Hey, why are you following me around since? Do you know mr or do I know you,Leo asked.

You do not know me, and I don't know you,the strange guy replies.

So why the f !are you following me around cause I don't understand Leo shouted.

I'm following you around cause I want to join you. The strange guy replies once again.

I think you are finally mad cause what I am doing that you want to join me. Leo looked at the guy his about to run mad.

I saw you at TM. Do you remember now?

No, I don't remember crazy people ,Leo sneered.

I saw you and a girl enter like you guys are seeking job then also enter with a mask on while beating all the guards and walking out with a guy that you and her were supporting do you remember now?

Ohh we have a camera now. I thought I punched all the cameras, but it seems one survived ,Leo laughed before taking a fight stance.

Look here, man, I am not here to fight when I saw you and your partners. My instinct told me you are a group, which I would want , and that is why I decided to follow you. Maybe we can talk.

Talk about what exactly I don't know you you don't know me you are just following me around like a ducking following his mother, Leo was pissed beyond measures.

Please am begging you to rethink this. I am sure you still need more people in your group. I have many abilities, man, the strange guy begged.

Mm, I will think about it in my spear time, okay, and don't follow me around again, okay, or I will remove your teeth,Leo said.

Okay, I will do as told, so do I get to join you he asked.

Are you deaf I said I would think about it in my spear time, which probably tomorrow or next year.

Okay, I have heard you, the strange guy replied and walked away leaving, Leo alone in the dark alley.

I know that bastard won't listen to me. I can tell by the way his looking so annoying. I guess I would inform Nic and wait for his reply ,Leo thought.

Before leaving the alley and ordering a ride to go home with the werid guy following him,I didn't even remember to ask for his name , tsk tsk Leo clicked his tounge.