Nic phone has been ringing for the past three minutes before he picked it up and saw that the caller was Leo.

Why the hell is this dude calling me this early? I will later block him and Das .Nic thought. Before he put the phone on his ear ,hearing the annoying voice who disturbed his sleeping beauty.

Hello Nic am sorry for calling this early, but this werid guy has been following me around since morning.

we finally talked, and he said he wanted to join us. I wanted to reject him. but I thought of informing you first ,Leo explained everything to Nic.

Okay, set up a meeting. I will be at the private lounge ,Nic replied.

Okay, sure thing ,Leo hung up the phone. Now let's just hope that brown head guy followed me, Leo thought. Finally, he arrived at the penthouse by 6:30 am in the morning, and he was right.

The brown head guy followed him. Come out and let deal with it ,Leo spoke up. the guy walked out from where he was hiding with his hood on his head ,Leo just shook his head and told him to follow him.

They got to the private lounge and saw Nic there sipping a coffee. Nic was still in his night gown, which was sweat pants and armless brown top.

Have your sit and welcome, and if I may ask, why do you want to join us? "Nic asked. he didn't even try to sugarcoat anything.

The brown head guy sat in front of Nic before speaking. You were the one they supported to the Van and the guy commented.

You still haven't answered my question, so don't answer my question with questions, Nic was getting irritated.

I want to join because my instinct told me to join that I won't regret it, and I don't doubt my instinct, so can I join.

Nic eyes the guy up and down before asking, "What your name.

I thought you never asked the guy laughed.My name is Rios, but you can call me Rio.

Okay, Rio, you said your instinct told you to join this team .How do I know maybe you are a spy trying to spy on my team.

I know you won't trust, but I won't stop until I am the dude voice was filled with determination. 

Nic sighed before he explained all the terms to him, and he said yes in an heart beat ,Nic also agreed to pay him 250k dollars weekly.

I know you all are probably wondering why hell would he accept an unknown guy who has a high percentage of being a spy. But I don't know if you all remember when Nic questioned Noval who sent her and how he knew.

"Nic has a hidden talent that he can read human body reaction no matter how good you are masking your body reaction, Nic will be able to tell.

When he asked him what if he was a spy, his body reaction didn't even wave at all, and his heart beat ,beats normal that why he decided to add him to his team.