Few days passed uneventful...

It been a week now that ,Rios had join them eventually he didn't do anything suspicious, even though that ,Nic accepted him the same couldn't be said for others especially, Leo.

Who always glance at him every now and then he even make it obvious that he was keeping his eyes on him,Rio would just shook the feels off.

Since,Nic accepted he doesn't care about anything else.

Nic strode to the main room and saw all his team members chating with one another except, Rio of cause.

He trudge toward, Rio and sat beside the u sofas in the main room.

Rio felt someone's presence and turned around and saw ,Nic he smiled sheeplessly.

Nic returns his guester with his cold gloomy face.

Before speaking up which caught attention of the other team members. 

We need to look for more people suitable for this crew his voice was cold but serious.

But how do we do that, Nic do we go to club like I did the other day and get another stalker like him,Leo glance at Rios.

How many times do I get to tell you that his not a spy this is the last thing I need right now is fight within each other am busy with something else I don't this so work it out,Nic walked out the penthouse pissed. 

Noval followed him and quickly caught up with him in the elevator which took them to the private parking space. 

Nic eyes ,Noval. What why are you staring at me like that. 

Why are you here, Nic voice sounderd so sarcastic." NOVAL ignored that and just fold her arms under her breast.

Nic repeated his question, which earned him a rolled eyes before saying she hoping if he could give her a lift to a store.

Nic didn't have the energy to reply her and just nodded, the main reason why he accept was cause he doesn't have any destination in mind particularly but since she wants to get something he could also clear his head then.

They got to the car ,Nic activate the car and buckled down his seat belt and drove the car off to the mall.

Nic parked the car and exit the car with, Noval. 

They both walked to the mall and walk pass the door that opens when one was about to enter.

The duo got lot of attention, Nic actually had a face cap on that saved them unless he would become celebrity within a minute.

Noval went to the female clothing section to check things out while Nic took a seat in the section where ,Noval is looking for clothes.

Noval would go to the changing room and ask how ,Nic feel about that dress this went on and fort till a noise was heard in the same section but other side of where ,Nic and Noval are.