Massiom vs. Nicholas 3

Massiom dropped his taobco and removed his suit, leaving him with his underneath black shirt with white pants, and he unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up.

While Nic, on the other hand, doesn't have a cloth on his upper body except from the pants in his lower body.

I managed to kill your father because his a fool and underestimated me , and you, his son, are making the same mistakes you all underestimate me! Massiom roared.

Nic didn't reply to him and just continued to stare at him.

Since he didn't get the reply he was hoping for, he engaged in close range with Nic.

Throw his blow, and Nic dodged it easily, seeing that his blow was dodged easily ,He aggressively kicked and punched,and Nic managed to dodge the blows but not the kick.

So he was sent flying to the wall ,Nic coughed blood and looked at the blood that ticked from his mouth to his hand.

He prompted back up the pain that he felt when he went flying. He was still there, but he ignored it since he was clouded with revenge.

Nic got back to his feet, and this time his was the one that charged in.

The air around was so tense it could cut a paper. The smell of blood water sweat filled the air, but no one paid attention to it.

The two sides fought to the death without relenting."

At first, Massiom didn't take him seriously, but when a blow landed on him that made him bled, he decided to end him, but things didn't go his way.

There was a palpable sense of foreboding and the stench of nervous perspiration in the air.

The two clashed again, and this time, it was so deadly fists kicks slammed on flesh that made blood splattered around the room.

Nic was having a horrible nagging at the back of his mind he felt something was not right he was trying to focus at the fight at hand, firgue out the feeling.

Even with the bad feelings that Nic is feeling, he managed to land a heavy blow that sent Massiom flying and crashing, which made him lose a few teeth.

Nic walked to where Massiom crashed and saw him trying to get himself up, but he couldn't.

Nic picked him up with his collar and spat on his face.