The Winner is..............

He punched and punched until his knuckles were bleeding, but still, he didn't care that last until he heard James voice.

Nicholas duck! echoed through the room, and Nic did as told and duck.That was also when he heard gun sound bang!.The gun was aimed at Nic, but since he ducked, it went in between Massiom's head, who was still struggling to stand and fell thud!

The gun fell off. Das girl hand she was trembling she aimed the gun at ,Nic since he forgot she was there she had element of surprise, But it didn't go as planned instead, Massiom got hit.

Nic looked at the girl who was currently trembling and crying, and he also saw James tying the girl while he managed to see that Nic was looking at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Nic was so confused that he didn't understand anything first. Why is James here second? Why did Das slip?.

Nic and Das have trained countless times he knows he can beat him, but not easily. The fight they had a few minutes ago was an easy fight.

Nic Nicholas was still in his thoughts until he heard the annoying voice of his supposed to be mate make a joke.

Ouch ,Nic, what the hell did I do for you to hit me that hard? I almost died, you know, Das complained.

While rubbing his neck. If I truly hit you, that hard you would be dead and not here talking to me,Nic replied with nonchalant voice.

Whatever, boring blah blah, Das stuck out his tongue like a kid. Anyway, how was my acting? I know you are probably wondering how where this is.

Yes, I do want to know why the f... you are with this bastard Massiom before I rip your tongue out of your mouth.

Nic sneered. Whoa whoa man calm down and don't think of ripping my tongue out. I was helping you.

I know no matter what I say, you will get your revenge ,so I decided to help you.

I still don't understand, "Nic replied. Okay, but why don't we talk on the bus with everyone so you will be able to understand very well.

Nic nodded before proceeding to Massiom Dead Body and shooting him more than three times Bang! Bang! Bang !.He doesn't want any surprises like he survived or anything that he sees in the story, so he decides to shoot three more times to be reassured.

Before pointing at the lady that was supposed to be,Das girl Nic pointed at her and wanted to know what Das wanted to do with her.

She all yours you can do whatever you want Das laughed. Nic looked up at James, who is munching popcorn before throwing it away.

James Light, this place up ,Nic ordered and walked to the van with Das, and James, who caught up with them after Light the warehouses up.

As for the lady, She was shot and burned together with Massiom.