The End

Three days earlier.

Das and all the members of the crew gather except from Nic.

Das, why did you call us here today? " Edward asked.

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you all for I appreciate and the reason why I called this meeting is cause of ,Nic.

What happened to Nic, Noval asked.

Nothing has happened to him well yet. Anyway, I am sure you all are aware of the mission that he takes place next week.

All of them nodded.

Good, and I am sure that you all remember the day we shared our past together.

They nodded again.

Good cause this last mission is about Nic past and the main reasons why this crew came to existence.

So you are trying to tell us that the mission that will happen in a week time is Massiom.

Das nodded.

Ohh sh.t they all cursed.

Yes, and I am sure with the little time you all spent with Nicholas, you know his a bit crazy in the head.

They all nodded again.

So that is why even if he is a bit crazy in the head, he will prioritise your safety first. That's why I called you guys.

So how can we help Rio ask?

Well, you don't want to do much. You guys just need to let him make his reckless move and try to convince him so he doesn't find you suspicious.

We hear you, but how will that be of help? Ayal asked

Thanks for asking, so I am sure you all know I am not single. Well, I am now or whatever my supposed to be girl is in contact with Massiom and want me to lure Nic in.

But even if you don't lure him in, he will come himself ,Leo commented.

Correct, he will. That is what they don't know, so since am. Nic best friends, they will want me to fight him to put him in ,Das wasn't able to finish his words ,Cause Ayal helped him.

To make him feel devastating.

Correct ,but unknown to them, even if I am in the way truly ,that won't stop Nic, but I am guaranteed that he won't kill me,Das was filled with confidence.

Are you sure,Ayla asked.

Of course, I am, but the question is, are you guys in.

Yes, I am in ,Noval said, followed by Leo and others.

______. ____ ____

So that was what happened,Das explained everything to Nic in the van.

I have a question am I really that crazy, Nic asked.

some whistled while some just looked up or just ignored him.

You need to get yourself clean cause I am sure your lover won't like to see you like that.

Nic blushed inside and ignored the people around him, shaking him for an answer. The van was filled with laughter and giggles

He has to decide between 3 lovers or 4. Well, that a story for another day.

The End

(A/h: Legend said he didn't pick and went with all but who knows whistle whistle peace, And thank you for reading.