They all got ready and Nic lead them to a restaurant it doesn't look expensive and it looks low-key. 

This restaurant looks so cheap is it because it your treat you decided to take us to a cheap restaurants James remarked earned him a slap at the back of the head from Edward. 

Shut up you can't pay and won't shut up ,Edward growled at him." Whatever James mumbled. 

Nic didn't even burge at his remark and parked while the second car behind him also parked others the car couldn't contain all so they pulled up with two cars. 

Alot of people divert there attention to them the reson for this attention one the cars that pulled up was latest model and limited second the people that came down from the car were so good looking. 

The girls were over hills for the guys while the boys are same for the three ladies in the middle of six good looking men, They all looked rich heirloom of a big company and Ceo. 

They all didn't pay attention to them except from james and they followed Nic who was heading inside the inside was good but still looks cheap. 

Nic order some Harissa Chicken and Farro Salad while most of them order the same thing as Nic.

Few minutes later their foods arrived and they all digged in alot of different expression except from Das and Nic who eats here on normal occasions. 

This taste so good than most 5star restaurant James commented "I thought you said it was cheap Rios chimed in with a narrowed eyes.

I didn't mean like that James tried to clear his name but instead they all laughed at him "Nic ordered beers for all of them and chat laughed for hours, gulton James ordered more food of cause it was expected.

They spent atleast 3 hours in the restaurant the waiters even slipped Nic her number with a wink, Nic just ignored.

They drove back to penthouse and they chatted on their way back they got the penthouse house use the private lift to the penthouse but what they saw unbelievable. 

"The penthouse was turned up side down the chair were misplace all the drink in the bar stool was on the floor everything was not making sense while they were all still shocked.

Selen came out looking bad like she has been walking on the desert for months blood was slipping from her mouth her hair looks disheveled her clothes was tattered.

She is penting heavily trying to catch her breath. NIC quickly went to give her a support while his whole mood was soured his face was devoid of any emotion.

While he walk her to a chair to know what happened Nic so look calm on the surface but inside he was about to explode.

How was he compromised he was discreet enough his penthouse was roughed and scattered and there is security in this hotel if he can be in danger what about the customers.

He will deal with that later but now he need too move quick and get back to the attacker.

While Nic was in his thoughts the other were already questioning Selen they didn't even pay attention to Nic. They were to engage in their questions.