6 months later...

Alot things happen within the time months more people join the crew and Nic decided that they are enough for the mission. 

His yet to find Ella but his not giving up now that one his problem to get solved he can fouced on finding Ella as soon has possible. 

"Nic Nic Nic Nic! You need to come down here as quickly as possible " Nic heard his name being called at first he wanted to ignore but the scream got loud he yielded and went to the living area. 

What why are you screaming my name Nic was pissed "Selena and Noval are fighting in the training room intensely and it getting out of ha.. before Edward could finish his words ,Nic was running to the training room.

The other's were in the training it was Edward we came to inform, Nic of what going on.

Ohh my name What are they fighting for what well I know why but it all wrong both of them started as friends now enmey because of me I need to fix it Nic thoughts.

He finally got the training room he swung the open so hard that the door hit the wall and the noise was ear burning.

They all had to cover thier ear because of the noise.

When Nic swung the door open his expecting a scene where the others are holding them down instead they were all smiling at him he glare at all of them he suddenly heard them spoke together.

IT A PRANK ! echoed through the training Nic face was devoid of any emotion or he just stared at them before doing middle finger sign to all of them before turning to leave. 

Ayla got up with him and flew on his back which earned her a glare from Noval and Selena thinking of her as another woman trying to get Nic but Ayla she just smiled and wrapped her hands around Nic neck like a baby. 

You guys would make a good couple James remark earned him dagger stare from Noval and Selena with Ayla. 

One day my mouth will be the end off me James hasted his steps to get away from them before they gang up to beat him. 

Nic chuckle at his reaction and the others he loved this moment and he wished to keep it forever but he don't know he never lived a happy life he lived life on revenge and he want that to change as fast has possible. 

Nic carried Ayal like a baby to the living area where they all sat together hit each other laugh with each other this is good memories for most if them.

How about we go for a food my treat who is coming, Nic declared. 

Your treat give me a minute James ran to his room to change other did the same leaving, Nic and Das.

Das moved closer to Nic and whispered something to him"Do we start now.

No not yet let enjoy this moment more before we proceed okay ,Nic replied while smiling at the people rushing to dress because of free food.