Tabitha was still trying to free herself from this his choked hold but he doesn't seem to be in the right sense.

Nic as been clouded by rage and he may or may not regret but "Noval came to his rescue.

Nic Nic Nic Nicholas Vns Grayson!!. Noval scremed his name and that got him to regain his sence.

And he dropped Tabitha who was gasping for air if she remained like that for 1 more minutes she would have leave this beautiful world.

"Nic looked at, Noval while murmuring thank you but before the words could come out he sighted someone coming with gun aiming at Noval.

He quickly rushed to her and spun her body with his In a matter of second Bang! She heard a gun shot and saw blood diping on the floor.

Noval was in shock she can't believe he took bullets for her before the guy that shot him reshot his head explode.

James shot the guy in the head and quickly rushed to,Noval who crying and shaking the big body Nic.

Who was smiling while murmuring words. Second time before closing his eyes he was losing alot of blood. "Noval understood what he was saying first time he got stabbed by her.

They quickly rushed him to hospital while Noval was crying. Ayal is trying to calm her but it doesn't seem to be working.

His under operation if the bullet was a inch closer his heart would have burst thus this got ,Noval worse knowing there is still a possibility he won't wake up.

Two weeks later.....

Nic is yet to open his eyes alot of things happened two weeks ago they destroyed 60% of Tabitha property to calm thier nerves.

Nic has been in coma for two weeks. Das disappeared no one saw him since the night they rushed Nic to hospital.

Most of them thought he was griving cause Das his the closets to him."All of them are barley hanging on.

They captured Tabitha and locked her in a room and James his there to keep his eyes on her even though he complained no one listened to him so he doesn't have a choice.

To begin with.

His Kyle okay now huh answer me blonde hair boy.

"James glared at the woman spouting nonsense out of everything to call him blonde hair boy so disturbing.

"She didn't see his well perfect face lips body and all she could see was blonde boy tsk.He click his tounge.

"And hissed through his teeth while looking at the woman with a annoying face.

"This is the boredest job he has ever taken she talks every now and then so boring. While James was still thinking how to escape his pramnamid.

Edward had entered and looked at James that has zoomed off in his thoughts before he slapped the back of his head hard.

Ouch!! Why did you slap me James screamed" Why did you zoom off in the middle of the day Edward sneered at him.

You are so annoying tsk tsk, James clicked his tounge.