"Whatever what do you want !James looked so irritated looking at.Edward who has been a bullying him since day one.

"I don't want anything i just came to check on you to see if you are not doing something stupid as usual but I guess I was right" Edward rolled his eyes.

What James felt offended with.

Edward words he acted dramatic which got him another eyes rolled from him.

Okay now you know that I didn't do anything can you go" Mm no I will wait here for a while before I do. Edward sat down next James and closed his eyes.

Like he was mediating but he was sleeping he felt so tired. Nic not waking got them all nervous including James.

He just trying to act tough but ,Nicholas has a huge impact in thier life he was the one who brought them together.

And they all appreciate him for that they know even though he act so cold he his caring about them.

To the extend he took a bullet for Noval out of all of them.Noval is the worstes she always blame herself that if she had noticed quicker.

Claiming she let her guard down since when Nic has been in the hospital she always there she only step out to pee or change she not even eating except from coffee.

James looked over his shoulder to see the sleeping Edward he felt this is his chance to get revenge.

With that in his head he lean his hand forward to slap Edward. He expected a sound like paw! But instead he was the one screaming in pain.

Ouch Ouch you twisted my hand! Ahh " Edward just glare at him and closed his eyes back.

The twisted finger was warning his always on guard and James didn't seem to get messages and still tried the same thing over and over again until.

His on the floor wailing in pain the pain he was feeling in his hand he can't comprehend it.

Tabitha who was in the room just shook her hand when she saw James trying the same attempt over and over again until he can't lift a finger.


In the hospital....

The person looked so dull disheveled hair black spots under the eyes that indicate the person has been crying it was none other than Noval.

Who was in bad shape since the incident she never knew she would like someone this much and the person like her back to take bullet for her.

She has been in relationships before and know enough about men not to do something like that but. Nic proved to her he was different.

She knew she had something for, Nic but she thought it was just a fling just to have fun with him and it will go.

But that was not the case at all it was now she knew how big the feelings she had for him is. She felt half of her life is taken from her.

The more she look at him the more she wants him to be only hers but she didn't think that possible.

Selena is there atleast she showed it that she likes him but she thought if they had fun it would go away.

The other day they went to the store she thought he would make an attempt on her so they can have fun but he didn't happen.

Am so stupid I am so stupid, Noval let out a dry chuckle. It was now she think about it she never saw ,Nic with a lady or anything she would have said maybe his impotent.

But she saw his hard on twice first when she came to the penthouse second the mission.

Something seems to be driving him but for him to drop everything and sacrifice himself for her.

He is worthy to be call her man she has so many ways to avenge her past relationship especially the on that left her broken for a while she wish.

She could see him and see what he lost and be with a better man.

Noval let out another dry chuckle she can't believe she already thinking of a way to show her ex to him while his on the bed.

She kept looking through glass she was looking at him in the sick clothes that was on his body and wished she could just kiss him here and there.

But she can't and want him to be aware of everything she won't be Tabitha who force man to pleasure her.

is she still blaming herself " Am afraid yes she is still" Ayla answered Selena. But how can we help her" The only thing that can help her his Nic.

Selen sighed before nodding she knew what Ayla said was true but she herself is barely hanging on that how all of them are feeling.

Rio Where is Leo " I don't know but I think the restroom he excused himself few minutes ago.

Okay thanks, Das continued to walk to the hospital lobby looking for Leo.

Das has disappeared since they brought Nic to hospital. Noval blame herself but Das blame himself more he felt like.

Nic is his responsibility he felt like a big brother to Nicholas. The day his father chose him to guard Nic.

He felt sad cause he had just joined the gang officially then but now he felt like that was the best decision he made.

He could have rejected but he was pouting silently think he has to take care of some spoiled brat.

But he was totally wrong he felt Nic was the siblings he never had he never made his life hard.

Instead he will be indoor training all day long. Das thought he was putting on a act back then cause he expected him to drowning himself in drinks and ladies.

Instead he was training hard to take revenge that mod him into the beautiful hard working and smart young man who cares about everyone around him.

Das loved him more than himself no matter what his doing he will always support him and he will still make fun of him not having woman.

Maybe this is the reason he didn't want woman the woman could be his weakness he doesn't wants to feel indebted to anyone but he still cares.

To take a bullet he definitely care about his team mate and Das his proud of him. But he doesn't want his brother to die.

He doesn't know what will happen to him if that should happen that why he disappeared but that did nothing he still laying in the bed for two weeks.

He felt ashamed of himself leaving his brother in the time of need that why his back to make it right.