Bang! That was the last thing I heard before I was engulfed in darkness. Is thsi how i will leave this world I didn't even get to take the revenge. Mom Dad Jaxon am sorry.

That was the last words Nic thought before he fell unconscious.

#####... . .

Where am I Nic looked around the surrounding where he his it was just all white without spot.

Nic was engrossed in his surroundings that he didn't notice someone was approaching him.

By the time Nic notice the person was already infront if him but instead of being startled he was shocked.

This was him no this was her he saw His former body standing infront of him he didn't know when tearing started to drop from his eyes.

" Will you stop crying you are a big boy now" Nic knew that voice more than anything it was none other than her twin brother Jaxon.

Jaxon,"Nic utter in low voice but. The person infront was able to catch the words. "Not Jaxon anymore but Raya now She filped her hair dramatically.

This got Nic to chuckle it been a while since he chuckle and it was sincere he felt the burden on his shoulders is all gone.

What are you doing here Nic asked " No I should be the one to ask what are you doing here Raya took a pose like a mother.

Scolding her child for doing something wrong "Nic gulped involuntarily but Jaxon seems to be serious using this tone.

"I don't okay I just appeared, Nic answered truthful "Ahh so annoying Raya face palm.

Before taking Nic hand and dragged him along he didn't even get a time to retrot and just followed her like a puppy.

You shouldn't be here one you are so boring two you are now making me regret my decision off exchanging souls. Raya b kept nagging.

While Nic hung his head low yes he has been so boring he thought of it recently that his twin brother won't like it and he was right.

Finally Raya b stop and sat down ,Nic also follow suit and sat beside him while Raya b lecture. Before ending her words with.

Nicholas Vns Grayson even though that not the most good name for my body anyways let me continue. Yes I know you will avenge us but I don't want you to just waste you time.

12 years has passed in a blink of eyes and you did nothing with it except training am proud of you but I think you can do better.

Enjoy life have fun Enjoy the little moments you have with your friends and your lovers. Raya b used lovers cause you know anyways.

I know I want to...b.ut it not easy Nic said in between his tears." You have to cry brother you deal with your past but do not let that inder your now.

The past is done then you can correct it with your now or future look at you almost died if you did I would have kill you myself.

Nic chuckle once again.

You will die a virgin without sire any kids to continue our beautiful blood line."Nicholas just rolled his eyes at his proud remark.

But if I do that I will be weak Nic muttered in a low audible voice and he also looks scared " Nothing makes you weak except from your self if you are not weak yourself you will be able to protect everything you love.

You talk about weakness but you took a bullet for her do you think if your enmey heard this they won't target your team mates knowing that they are your weak link.

You trained physically and emotionally but you didn't training mindly cause is still holding you back break free from your own.

Weakness sister you almost died because off me but am happy am able to switch with you cause if I was still the one I won't make it this far sister.

This was the first time since Nicholas got here did he refer to him as sister.

You were my idol my role model I feel useless near you but you don't let me dwell on it and pick myself back up.

You are always a great supporter you would have been a great mom but you will be the best dad and supportive man towards his wives.

Nic noticed the es he has been using but he chose to ignore it.

I know you want to kill him but if you do is your life over then" Nic shook his head responding to him.

Then don't live on revenge builed yourself a company you and your team could run and you will hire more staff's you know his on your neck and you are on his.

He has nothing to lose but you do so please acknowledge your new life you are not her but now him am him before am now her.

Nic eyes was puff red with tears he understood everything she said he always questioned himself If his enough but now she confirmed for him that he his.

And that ease him but how does she knows everything . Nic didn't know he voiced out his thoughts." That a secret Raya winked at Nic.

And they both burst into laughter until tears was coming out thier eyes for laughing to much.

Wait when did you learn to be so smart Nic will never forget to ask one the most important question."Since I switched body i got smarter.

They burst into laughter again this the memories that Nic will never trade for anything he knew his time was short here and he has to go back to outside world.

He didn't know how his twins knew everything but he to belive she always with him like it has always been and will always be.

They talked and talk without now how much time has passed.


It been a month since Nic has been in this....

And Noval worsen cause they got a report from the doctor that if his not awake by a week he will die.

A/N: I know the him and her is confusing me myself I am but to simplify it. Raya body has Jaxon soul. While Jaxon body has Raya souls if you don't understand read the chapter coma 2 or awake. So I used her for Jaxon so you already understand.

Thanks for reading don't forget to support.
