Nic opened his eyes and closed them back immediately the ray of light hit him and affect his sight.

  A few minutes later his sight adapt to the light his eyes wander around the room he looked at his hand and many wires were connected to his hand.

  "He wonder how long he has been on this bed, before he stood up and disconnected the on his hands after done with ripping the wires a ear burning sound was heard.

  It was so loud he had to cover his ears with his hand. Unknown to Nic the alarm got the doctor and nurse scared they dropped everything they were doing and rushed to.

NIc room to check it was not only the doctor and nurse that heard the ears burning sound his team mates also heard it and barged into the room.

  When they heard the sound they didn't even think twice before they barged into the room but what they saw was shocked and funny the image in front of them is. Nic trying to break the system that all the wires are connected to.

They were still shocked but Noval snapped  out of it and rushed and pounced  on Nic who sole focus is on the machine his trying to break.

So Noval pouncing on him startled him but he able to gain his balance quickly.  It would be a shame if he couldn't do that so he manage to catch Noval with his big arms while Noval was tearing up badly. 

She thought he would die if he actually die she don't think she will be able to live with herself so seeing him now killed her worries.

Nic didn't know what to do, he pet her for a few minutes before the tears died down and.  Noval looked up to meet his face" Why did you do something like ,Noval punched his chest lightly while pouting like a little kid.

This made Nic smile before he said something." I did it because I felt it was right ' Noval wanted to complain but Nic shush her.

Finally the others snapped out of it and rushed to. Nic and drained him to he galdy returned thier loving hugs.

They scolded and questioned him. Nic tried his best to answer most of questions before he got tired and had rest.

The others were back to normal since his awake the doctor informed them that he will be discharged tomorrow.

Some of them went home but Noval Das Leo and Ayla stayed. The were to keep his thier eyes on James and Tabitha.

They didn't harm Tabitha and just held her captive so if. Nic is back to decide what to do with.

James has been the one keeping eyes on since the day Nic was admitted. Edward go now and then to see how they are.


James was pressing his phone and was laughing now and then.

Tabitha has been keeping eyes on James and looking for the best way to escape. James chained her hands.

But unknown to him she has been dealing with the chain and finally unlocked it from her hands so she is already a threat but he didn't know.

Tabs learned that James is the most carefree from all of them if it was the other brown eyes guy which was. Edward she won't be able to escape.

But the blonde guy so easy to escape under his noise.

She carefully dropped the chain not to alert him. She almost dropped the chain but she made a mistake and the chain fell down Thud!. James averth his gaze from his phone and looked at Tabitha directions.

He found nothing unusual so he looked back at his phone. Tabitha finally took a deep breath she thought she would be caught.

Even though his carefree that doesn't mean his weak and she doesn't even have the strength to test and just fouced on her mission.

The plan was going smoothly and ready to strike and escape in her hand was a baseball bat ready to swing at James.

James who was engrossed with his phone felt someone presence close to him he looked up and saw Tabitha with a bat before he could grab the bat it already swing at his forehead and knocked him unconscious immediately.

She wiped the sweat on her forehead and took a large hoodie and put it on so nobody will notice her face.

She exited the house easily and was on the street she still didn't take the hoodie off cause she us scared they may have others keeping eyes on her.

She walked with her head hung low she didn't notice someone was in her front Thu! Sorry sorry she said with her head still low and quickly rushed away from the person she hitted she didn't even bother to check the face.

Edward was confused cause he was 100 percent sure that the hoodie belongs to James and it also smell like him.

But the person is a girl scared with the way she spoke. Edward shook it off and was about to head to the house that was when someone popped onto his mind.

Tabitha! He quickly turned and picked up a race to catch up with her she won't have go far unless she sees a car or bike but if she is still on foot I can still catch her.


It was Rio and Edward that headed home but they spitted cause. Rios wanted to get something from the store and Edward didn't have the energy to wait.

He ordered a ride to take him home the estate that they currently at anyhow car can't enter expect if they have the card entry.

So the car had to drop him in front of the estate gate he had to walk in that how he had met Tabitha on the road.

Rios parked the car and went inside he opened the door and saw. James laying flat on the cold floor knocked while Tabitha was nowhere.

Rios dropped the nylon bags in his hand and quickly fished out his phone to inform the others before he saw rushed to the car to look for her.

Wait where the hell is Edward. Rios thought of that when he got to the car zand call him.

" Hello where the hell are you James is knocked out and Tabitha is nowhere to be seen and you. Rios didn't even give him time to talk and just questioned.

"I know I kn-ow she escape am currently chasing her on the estate so ...if. you in the estate come and be fast. The air was interrupted Edward.

But Rios was able to catch all his words. Before he could ask where in the estate he hung up.

Rios sigh before starting the car and starting this searching game.