Rios informed Leo and he informed others.

Leo and Das will also help to search for her before they scold the big baby.James

It was Noval and Ayal that is keeping eyes on Nic to seeing if there is any changes.The two men were skeptical to leave them scared of something happening but they realise the ladies are no ordinary ladies.

They finally left them the doctor sighed with a relief think the problem are gone it was only the nurse who was still acting carefully around the ladies.


Edward waa still running he could see her in front of him even though he was tired he has ran for almost fifteen minutes but he didn't gave.

And gave one more push to his knees and caught up with holding her with all of his strength not caring if she Injured.

He do respect women but not this men raper and it James that is to be blame for all this his to careless.

Edward tighten his grip on her and moved closer to her she siwng a knife ready to stab him but. Edward already predicted this move and was able to wave it smoothly.

She was about to re swing it but he flung it away from her hand leaving her helplessly soon later Rios appeared with a car.

He took them back to the house and James already regained his consciousness few minutes earlier bat won't normally knocked someone out but he wasn't prepared and was caught of guard.

They got home and Leo and Das also appeared with the others making James want to dissappear from thier dad scolding.

They tied Tabitha back even extra this time."Explain yourself Now! Edward was sound so demanding. "I have nothing to say.


Edward has never been this angry no none of them have been angry not even Nic or any one else but to see Edward so pissed was a sight to behold.

"Yes I fucked up and am aware yes I let my guard yes am stupid everything you think I am but I also want to see Nic but you all decide to make me guard this woman.

Am so bored have never stayed in one place for a month without moving and you ARE AWARE !! James yelled.

Yes but...."No am still talking James cut Edward words short I stayed because of Nic and nothing else and am sorry for letting my guard and sorry for making you have to search for her.

Am not angry for letting her escape am angry because you could have die you were unguarded knocked out she could have stabbed you.

"You are just like a brother i never had

I don't know how I would feel if something happened to you and Nic will blame himself for the rest of his life. Edward was barely a whisper but the others were able to catch his words.

Edward and James are just like Nic and Das they brother without being related by blood.

James eyes were teary he had to wipe them so they won't fall and hugged Edward so tight.

The others were relived even though they have that tight bond they treat eachother like family and one won't pray to lose a family.

The others were to fouced on the duo and failed to noticed that Tabitha has stabbed herself.

She took two knifes along with her he threw one away she already planed everything that if she didn't manage to escape she would kill herself.

And she didn't go back on her words and stabbed her chest when the others noticed it was to late for them they rushed her to the hospital.

But they were unable to save cause the knife has struck her heart if they were five minutes earlier she could have survived it but it too late.

None of them was to blame for this since the incident they all stayed at the hospital to wait for Nic discharged.

The doctor noticed a new face amongst them and was fed up think they are way to much but can he even say that to thier face unless he wants to die.

So he keep his thoughts to himself...

"Finally the second day Nic got discharged and told them his not going back to the house in the easte.

Instead is going to other hotel that also has a penthouse in it.

He doesn't want to live in a house like that he prefer penthouse or apartments the house reminds him of his childhood.

And he doesn't want to remember that memories since he had the conversation with his twins.

He changed alittle but his still himself and ready to find Ella.

They got the hotel private parking space and enter the elevator to the penthouse that for the owner.

The penthouse was similar to the other one the few differences is most of the interiors is green black pink and rare white and way bigger than the past one.

The others were amazed with the penthouse and they looked at Nic and wondered how rich he is.

To have a lot properties and still not greed with spoils from mission they share equally only Das know Nic worth.

And he still didn't know everything they settled down in thier room showered and dress and came back to the living area with thier pj's.Nic was in his usual pink tank top.

"Am so happy everybody is fine it no body's fault for her to die I didn't even know what I was going to do with her but thankfully she made the decision herself.

"The other's were relived that he didn't take it seriously.

A lot of time has passed since I was in coma and I was able to think within the few hours he wouldn't tell them he saw his suppose twins would you believe it of cause not.

So I think we should start a company and also tell eachother our deepest fear to be able to trust eachother more and make the bond more tighter