With the mentioned of deepest fear thier eyes change nobody wants to remember his or her fears but It something they have to face.

So I think we should start now since we have nothing we are doing. Nic broke the silence but it got more silent until.

Das spoke up and broke the silence. "I really don't have any fears instead am greatful when I joined Nic father team I was happy.

I joined a not to long ago and I heard i was assigned has his bodyguard at first I was pissed to be a guard for a spoiled brat but it was the best descion.

Now look at the little man .look big even bigger than me.

Everybody chuckled at his words and found thier meeting so amusing. That made them forget the nightmare that is about to happen.

They all sighed before Edward step out to go first.

Me and my family worked as a maid for a rich man my parents have been working for the man before I was even born.

So it was normal that I also work for the man when I was five I started to help my father and mother with house chores.

I don't even have to play because am busy helping my parents and I was happy with what am doing sometimes.

I would play with the man children sometimes but most of time I help my parents.

Until all the happy moments came to an end with and a nightmare begin with my father boss wife suddenly died.

And they did some investigation test they firgued she died due to poison. And they firgued it what she ate last or drink.

And it was my mother who served her coffee due to her request she drinks coffee every morning that was what we heard that was what killed her.

I didn't understand back but I knew my dad mom was just crying I was trying trying to beg my mom and to stop crying.

But the words she was saying I was able to catch if we going to die atleast not him.

"I didn't really understand the reason but I knew there was deep meaning behind those.

Back then I thought at most thier were going to prison but instead my father boss killed him and my mother i was hiding behind the walls looking at the way he was beating and kicking my father.

And my mother trying to help my father he threw her until she couldn't breathe again and that how she died.

My father was enraged after the death of my mother and was ready to kill his boss but before his plan could work.

His boss already shot him in between the head I saw both my parents took thier last breath in the hand of the boss.

I made a vow in my heart that i would kill the man with my hands but am yet to kill him.

I had to fend for myself trained on street to be able to survive and help people like me I learnt how to fight.

I had to survive to this day until I met you and am happy to be able to meet with you guys.

The others felt so sad for someone to witness the death of parents right in front of him that bad.

"Now everyone in the room now understands that every one has been through hard pain to be in the room.

Most of them now felt comfortable to share thier story with eachother.

Thier story maybe different but they went through hell that what makes them strong.

Edward was tearing up really bad after he reavled his deepest fear.James hugged him and pet his back to calm him.

He has never seen him in this state his always acting strong wicked brother but now his just Edward. Easily approached Edward.

They others also gave him a hug to comfort him alittle bit few minutes later he manage to calm down.

Noval raised her hand meaning she would be the one to talk next.


Mom Mom my toy is flew across the street can I go and pick it little Noval asked."How did it get to the street."Mom it was Mia that threw it.

Why did she threw it across the street the mother asked " She said I was not paying attention to her That why mom.

You should pay attention to your sister Noval promise me you won't ignore her again her mother said with a gentle voice.

Promise mom I won't but can I go and take it "Yes you can.

Little Noval ran to the street to pick her baby doll and came back to her mother and they both went inside with his junior and senior brother Jay.

To prepare food with thier mother while Little Noval and her little sister played and her toy mistakenly entered under the bed when they were playing.

Little Noval crawled under the bed to look for her toy suddenly a loud noise came from the door it flew away.

Noval peeped from under the bed but her leg got hung she tried to remove it but she couldn't she was still struggling when she heard.


After that she saw dead bodies layed right in front she wanted to scream but she couldn't the pain was to much to bare.

She couldn't even cry out loud until the man who came to assassinate her family.

Few hours later she came out from under the bed after hours of crying and screaming.

When the assassin left she regained her voice and saw the dead bodies of her mom brother and her younger sister.

Thier father traveled out for job and his yet to be back she walked out the house and her crime life begins.

She learned how to use knife and sneaky she started to take job to survive until she took. Nic job.

"She also found the man who killed her family and returned the gesture by cutting him and feeding him but she didn't kill his family.