They were short of words They couldn't believe she has to bare this much pain she so flirty and funny and easy to talk to.

They all gave her hug just like Edward now this is getting more intense but they are feeling thier bond strength with this.

Rios went next.....

I don't particularly have a fear am an orphanage I escapeed from thier cause I always get builed here and then.

Along my way while escape I came across a strange man who became my master and trained me to be the man that am now today.

That my story I didn't know what happened to my parents and I don't want to know since I didn't know since I was a child.

"Rios didn't feel any type of way just like. Das he was an orphanage and escaped to live his life.

Leo went next...

My father died when I was small my uncle inherited all our properties and chased me and my mother away my mother.

Did different things to fend for me a little while later she got sick she couldn't go to the hospital to treat herself because thier is no money.

The illness killed her on thing his yet to fulfill is to kill his uncle and he would do that no matter.

All of them didn't even know what to do or anything they thought the others were shocking but his was unspeakable.


I do not have a fear instead I have a secret I came from a rich family but they always want to control my life business always but I did have passion or anything for business.

I had passion for shooting and throwing knife like to look for trouble. But how could I tell my strict parents that what I want to do.

The only one who knew of this is my senior sister we are still intouch till today she was the one who advise him to run away.

And she always send money to him he promised to come back richer and take care of her and his two younger brother.

And show his parents that his better than them they always call him useless and waste of time.

Those words usually hurt him until the day his sister told him that he go for his dream and passion the deal was not to die.

Cause he escape death alot of time maybe his bribing death or something like that.

When James finished his story he thoroughly the other to he shock to know he came from a rich family.

"Are you guys nothing going to say anything. James couldn't take the silence anymore.

What do you expect us to say of cause we knew you came from a rich family. " Ho...w , Rios mouth was wide open.

Ayal was the one who answered his question. " The first time of you arriving you saw a card on the table and went for shopping without asking of who owns it.

And am still shocked how you knew the pin anyways your first impression shows spoiled brat.

What! Am definitely not one James bellowed" Calm down we know you are not Edward replied him.

This made the room a little bit better they chuckle here and then before it was.

Ayal turn....

Ayal story is different from others.

Actually she didn't want to be in this world but the other side.

She always aspires to be a cop but the crime world wanted her this was something she never told anyone before even her exes didn't know of it.

Her family was okay well off her father run a small business they couldn't be consider rich but they were average she was going to one the best schools.

Until one day her father got robbed but he managed to see one the thives face and did what a normal citizen would do.

Report to the cops explained all the situations to them and described the thife identity they sketched him.

And the cops told her father to go home that they would inform him if they found the thife.

And asked him to come to station table they have the thife in custody her father was gald that they caught the thife quickly.

He went to the station but what her father saw was beyond him he saw the thivie and cops have a drink while laughing.

He didn't know that the new station have drinks with the criminal. " Ohh you are here come and have a seat the police man said.

And her father did has told and has a sit away from the police and thife." Is this the thife the police man asked with a grin.

Her father noded unknown to the father and the police her father butt dialed her mother and they heard the whole conversation.

Did you tell anyone you are coming here the police man questioned again and her father also replied " No I didn't tell anyone.

She didn't know what happened when her father said no but she was sure he was afraid that they would hurt his family.

If he had said yes.

Good good you Made the job easier that was the last word they heard before. BANG! .

That was when the phone disconnected maybe when he fell down the phone broke and offed right away.

Cause her mother tried the number more than 200th time but it was not going through.

That was the last day she saw her father. " The worst part is that the mother suggested they went together but the man rejected that he will go alone.

She still miss her the way her father play with her hair and use his neck has horse. Dad I don't know if you are proud of me where ever you. Just know I miss you.

Since her father death her mother twice harder to be able to keep up with the bills and other bills to take care of.