They arrived at thier destination, Ayla nervous increased when she saw her mother house. It looks old but it was well maintained.

"Do you want to stay to calm your nerves we don't mind to wait Nic said" Na am not nervous am scared of telling her... she couldn't finish her words cause she seems to be fighting not to cry.

But, Nicholas finishes the words for her" You are scared of telling her your line off work then tell her you are working for me the Grayson Enterprises you are my Right hand woman.

This got Ayla to chuckle when, Nicholas said she was his right hand woman she is sure Das would be piss if he ever find out.

But wait who would tell him no one it a secret between them.

10 minutes later Ayla manage to calm her nervous down and ready to her mother for the first in 5 years.

It been 5years since she left home she call her here and then send some money to her she wasn't brave enough to face her mother knows her very well so she can't lie to her.

But now thier is Nicholas and a valid point she works at Grayson Enterprises a company to be proud of.

"All of them came down from the car and walked to the door Ayla rung the door bell twice."After the second bell she could hear a woman voice saying am coming.

She healed so hard she forgot to breathe but,Nicholas was thier to snap her out it." Uhahh! "Thanks.

The door opened while, Ayla was staring at tye woman infront her with a tears eyes while the woman was shocked."She couldn't believe that her daughter is thier looking beautiful wherever you are I know you are proud of us.

She dragged her daughter to her and gave a warm hugged. While they both cried thier eyes out. The other's even though thier were tired they couldn't disturb them mother and daughter 5 years reaction.

10 to 15 minutes later they both calmed down and realased each others. That also when the mother noticed the people behind her daughter back she didn't notice them early maybe because all on her head that time was her daughter.

"Who are they " Who, Ayla was at first confused but when she looked back she saw her brothers and sisters. "They are my friends and my boss.

"Ohh your friends welcome welcome come inside the woman welcomed them in the inside of the old house looks so good and have a home feeling.

Maybe James is right we should have packed more clothes but who care they could shop another.

They had thier sit "Do you guys care for anything I can order or cooked, Ayla mother offered them but they rejected the offer they don't care about food for now atleast but of cause one person didn't reject a home cook meal.

Mm who could that be let guess mm of cause it none other than the foodie James.

Who buried his face in the food infront of him while uhinm.

If he had a tail would have been dancing showing how happy he his" I like your friend already Ayla mother commented.

"The others just laughed at his behavior and also ignored him.

They got all fuzzy welcome from, Ayla mom and was happy with the warm welcome they earned from Ayla mom who's name is ,Sarah.

"Ding dong, the door bell rang twice. " Who could be at the door, Ayla said out loud. " That must be Edric mom and Edric.

"Ayla turned to face her mother while she mouth a word." Aunty Mila still comes with Edric." Ayla mom nod and said, Even rose comes sometimes if she is back from college.

Ayla couldn't believe what she was hearing Edric was her childhood friend and his mother stood by her mother when the situation of her dad happened.

When she left 5 years ago she told Edric she was going to leave and he asked her when she would be back." Maybe tomorrow next one a week month or year just come to check every single day.

That was the word she told him what she couldn't believe was he did what she told him just as a joke he took it so serious that he comes every day.

Ayla stood up and headed for the door and James also stood up and followed him the others nodded at his action if he didn't Rios would so.

They agreed with what he did with the situation of things going on they wouldn't take any risk.

Ayla turned her head and saw James she didn't mind she knows what it for so she didn't mind and opened the door.

At the other side of the door was a woman in her mid 40's with a black long hair and a pair of brown eyes and also a good shape quiet burst than Ayla mom herself.

Behind her is a tall and fit guy with also pair of brown eyes with black hair that the length of shoulder and he tyed in ponytail style.

Which looks so good on him his fit but not to the extent of the men inside.

"Aunty Mila couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Ayla all grown up to a beautiful woman her mouth hung wide open.

Is that you-Ayla" Yes Aunty it me come in.they compiled and entered."Leaving Ayla and Edric staring at eachother.

But that was not the case when she noticed his eyes was not on her instead on some else's, she followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at James.

Who's face was devoid of any emotion people wouldn't believe that his the same playful James and gluttony.

"Ohh his my friend, James meet my friend Edric, Edric meet James also my friend. Ayla introduced eachother.

"After the introduction slience filled the doorway until it was interrupt by a joyful girl.

Ayla you are here! Rose pounced on Ayla and hugged her, Ayla manage to catch her and not dropping the big baby in her hand.