A week as passed filled with works meetings.....

They still haven't visited any of the parents. "The week have been so worked up and didn't the chance to do anything.

But they managed to deal with all the investments and personally open a company. Gray Enterprises.

"Nicholas has never been so worked up next week the work will be less only go to the office to handle some business.

So since the work starts next week they decided to visit the parents on the weekends.


3 weeks later.

"Are you all prepared we have to be fast okay, Leo said hastily.

Alot of changed of plans happened the company have to deal with a lot of papers works and some issues rouse up.

Government and many things but everything got settled so they didn't manage to go for the visit that why thier packing now.

No not them packing it only James, The others didn't have any reason to pack they didn't plan to stay thier for long.

Maybe a day and half or two for maximum, But James seems to have ears problems cause his packing now and his the one delaying them.

"The other's did take more than two clothes, They planed to go to ,Ayla mom's first cause her birthday is the next day.

And ,Ayla wish for them to celebrate the birthday with her and her mom's. And they obliged to her request.

Nicholas still hasn't found, Ella currently she out of the country for some unknown reasons which ,Das explained alittle about.

That he saw ,Ella in New York but he wasn't aware she was the one and also back then all on his mind was Nicholas wellness.

"But ,Nicholas managed to make her dad his business partners to get more information and be able to tell if she back.

"All done guys am ready for a new experience,James said while giggling like a little kid.

The other's just rolled thier eyes at him and hoped in the cars ,James suggested that they drive separately." But others rejected the idea.

But he managed to convince them so they took 4 cars 3 sports cars and one Mercedes van.

Incase of anything and they put all their things in the van and begin thier jounery. It 2 and half hours drive to, Ayla mom's residence.

" umm umm umm Ayla kept sighing here and thier she was part of the people in the van Nicholas is also there along side with, Das Rios.

That the people in the van the others are in the car." Are you okay Ayla, Nicholas asked worriedly."This put a smile on her face to see that his worried about her.

"Am fine Nic you don't need to be worried. "Uh mm no you are not is something bothering you, Nicholas didn't seem to be backing off.

"Nothi-actually thier is something "Okay what is it Nicholas asked with a raised brows. "You look like a worried dad ,Ayla said and giggled.

"Whatever you say but what bothering you" Am scared "Of what...."What she going to say or feel if she finds out am in this world, Ayla eyes were filled worries.

Nic stood up from his sit and walked to Ayla and give her a warm hugged while her head rested on his chest while tears were flowing from it like a stream of river.

"Nic didn't know the words to say or rather is not that of an emotional person his mostly cold the best he could do was embrace her and hug her with his broad arms.

"Ayla tears didn't seem to stop instead it drainshed on Nicholas shirt who didn't seem to care but only the girl in his arms.

"Wh_at- sobs what.. hiccups! If she doesn't want to see me what if..... hiccups! She is disappointed in me." Shush Shush don't say something like that Nicholas said while peting her back.

"You are never a disappointed if she doesn't appreciate you I will always do I will be always proud of you Ayla, am sure if your dad Isn't dead and alive somewhere he would be proud to have daughter like you.

Bu..."No buts Ayla you earned my respect and I will always be proud of you and am 100% sure your mom will also feel the same and I would try everything possible to find him if his still alive.

Ayla raised her head up and looked at Nicholas who smiled back at him while comforting her with his words.

Ayla couldn't ask for anything more than just to remain in the position she is."At first she thought she liked him admired him and his good looking. Unlike the rest of the men in the house she didn't see him with any lady before.

Unlike the whores Brothers in house she was referring to the men in the house she consider them one big family.

"She thought she liked him in a romantic way but it was now she firgued he his the brother she knew she needed and he treated her like the sister brother he lost.

"Thanks brother Ayla said in a low voice that almost sounded like a whisper, but Nicholas heard what she said."You are welcome sister.

Ayla was happy with what she heard she didn't think he was going to reply her that lessen her worries about her mom.

And the nerves that was kicking in if one didn't know Nicholas they would thought his always cold. Unknown to them he has the sweetest heart and his kind to the people he care.

"But if you hurt one close to him consider yourself gone cause thier won't be forgiveness in any work they do he shared the money equally.

At first he wanted to continue to pay them but they refused since he shared the money with them equally without any problems and didn't seems to care.

Ayla is so happy she managed to meet him she didn't know what she still be doing if she hadn't meet him.