"Ayla have you see a business we can do,Nicholas asked." Yes i think we should invest in people acting or buy investment like hotels penthouse that we would manage.

  "And i personally think that we should go for the investment and buy the penthouse, i think it suit our personality more what do you think , Ayla asked.

  "Where do you think will fit this business , Ayla .' I suggest we should do it in. LA where nobody really knows us do you understand from what you told us about, Massiom i think he has spys every where.  Ayla said " Okay We are moving, to LA. 'I guess I should start booking our flights tickets down.'James said grumply.

Thier is no need for that we take my jet.  "Wow Nic, you have private jet i can't belive it. James was so excited that is mouth was runing.

The others just laughed at his reaction like a little kid who went to the park.  The jounery would take almost six hours  must of them decide to take a nap.

Six long hours later they landed at, LA "Am back baby! James screamed. Edward just rolled his eyes at his childshi behavior.

"But that the reason why he like him cause of his chidshi behavior he looks like a sibling he never got to have.

When they existed the plane three black suv was waiting for them.

They all hop in the car and drove off to thier new home in LA. They got to the hotel of cause it still penthouse.

They wanted to settle in first before they go for thier visit. "They got to the penthouse it wss way beautiful than the other one. Really high celling.

White and black interior good view to see 80 percent of LA. Nicholas bought the cars and hotel not to long ago.

The penthouse has 9 bedrooms which means it so big to contain alot of room. They all settled in thier room.

Resting for the nap before they all get to work. Ayla already arranged some meetings for some investment, and hotels even clubs.

Few appointments have been made for tomorrow. They all have to go and buy the properties it will be ,Das Ayla that would handle it.

Nicholas would just come sometime, but Ayla suggest he should also come they both managed to convince him to come and he agreed.


Nicholas woke up with a bad mood he doesn't want to go to the meetings but he was forced to so now he have to.

He took his bath dry his hair and put on a grey suit looking fit on him also combed his hair properly.

And hid the criminal in him and looked like a businessman. " Das and Ayla also got dressed.

"The other's plan to explore the city James would be thier guide since he knows the city more than them.


"Why do you look so grumpy, Nicholas."Nothing that was the only word they heard from Nicholas throughout the ride.

They arrived at thier destination and the grumpy look on ,Nicholas disappeared like it was never there and was cover with a cold look.

When they entered the company the three of them drew alot of attention but the others people staring was able to control thier self cause they didn't know who or what they are.

"Ayla went to speak with the receptionist and she led them to the meeting.

"Good morning Mr Grayson ,Ms Wilson and Mr Sage. The Ceo welcomed them with a warm smile.

Have your seat, they sat down while Ayla interact with the man.

Talking about what they want to invest in and how much "Ms Wilson am giving you the best price 15 million dollars is a good deal for 30 percent of the shares. The Ceo said.

"But Mr Edric am the one taking the risk here thier is 70 percent chance that it won't be a success and am willing to pay 15 millon usd.

Nicholas had never seen ,Ayla bargain with someone but now she looks like a business woman who knows how to get things done.

For some reason he felt proud of her unknown to him, Das was also feeling the same way.

The Ceo finally yield cause it did seem like, Ayla was going to back if they signed the necessary paperwork and excused them self.

They got to the car and ,Ayla smile could put a sun to shame "Good job. What do you mean, Ayla was confused when Nicholas told her good job she thought he was not paying attention.

And did he even understand the business ,Nicholas next words was just like he read her mind" Of cause I know the exchanged you made-

You bought a 30 percent of shares that has high risk off been a loss but you did that cause you know the investment rarely fails.

You wouldn't just throw away 15 usd.

Ayla was short of words she never knew, Nicholas was paying attention to thier words or know much about business world.

She knew he knows how to hack fights shoot look good but also knows about the dream world his every woman Dream man.

"Ohh did you think his brawel without brain na that would be bad for not only him but also me Das commented.

Before they head to thier next destination which was the hotel the hotel didn't take that long.

From thier they attended three more meetings anyways out of 5 meetings 4 was a success the last one was.

A thief and also a failure so they didn't waste thier time and just moved to the next.

By the time thier were done it was 5:30 pm in the evening they decided to eat something since they are starving they has nothing since morning except from coffee

They left home 8am in the morning and was done in the evening today was so exhausting.

To the extend, Das suggested they hire someone to take care of the meeting but Ayla rejected it that it was a bad idea.

That Noval could do it she spent some times with her to know she is smart and can survive in the business world.

Or if Noval didn't agree she could ask Selena but she knew that would be a bad idea ,Selena is the heirnees of her father company.

So working in another would be bad so only Noval or one of the men.