Why is she sleeping " Why don't you ask her yourself, Edward sassed James.

Whatever but I still haven't forgiven her for interrupting my beautiful dream,James complained.

Edward didn't even bother to reply the big baby the others came to the living area. She was sleeping peacefully unknown that predator are starting at her.

Even with all thier stare She didn't wake that was until, James poured a bucket of water on her head and managed not to spill on the sofas.

"What's the meaning of this James, Selena was in rage" Now have forgiven you.

What! What forgiven are you talking about I did nothing wrong, that earned her a glares from all of them." Okay maybe I actually did but am sorry I was excited when.

Ayal told me you have woken up I wanted to come last night but she said it was late what she said now earned, Ayla a glares also.

Nicholas chuckled at thier reaction he knows her actions have reason so of cause he would let it slide.

He stood up and embrace her in hug this the first time, Nicholas is hugging her and it felt like a dream she doesn't want to wake up from.

Both of them were still hugging after two minutes, Nicholas wants to pull out but she didn't agree so he waited for her to realase him.

But that came to an end" uhmm I think you guys should get a room or something, Slap! Ouch what did I do Edward.

Look he followed his gaze and also, Noval who's looks like his going to rip James head off because of his remark.

He gluped while looking at the scary, Noval " So you should you thank me I slapped you now she will leave for a while.

"Thank you so much for slapping me Edward you are the best brother and friend - wait what do you mean for a while.

James was happy Edward saved him with a slap he thanked that was also when his head process he said for a while.

Does that mean she hasn't forgive me " My mouth would not be the death of me one day.

Selena realased Nicholas after , James remarked. It didn't matter to her anymore she wish she could just kiss him like her friends advised her to.

But that could either make thier realationship better or worse and she also knows that ,Noval to have some feelings for him.

She wouldn't want to ruin thier relationship because of her selfishness so she controlled herself.

"How are feeling now are you getting enough rest, Selena asked Nicholas series of questions.

Am fine you don't need to worry yourself" it fine to hear that.

"Ayla have you figured it out, Nicholas asked. " No not yet am going to need atleast a week to be able to research every one to know the one I need.

"Okay then but I need you to look into something or someone. " Who is the person you want me to look it to.

Ella Moore, I want you to help me look in to her and get back to me." Sure I will inform you if I have any information. Thanks.

"Ayla proceed with the task at hand to look for Ella Moore. " I think we should go out to eat and also shop some groceries, Das suggested.

Yes you are right let go " Wait are we all going. Of cause , James replied Selena.

_____.... ..

"That our order. Few minutes later thier food arrived they all digged in thier food they didn't care of thier look.

Few minutes later they finished thier food payed and went to the store to get some groceries they joked along the way smiled and many more.

"Should we go to club to have some fun, James suggestion earned him a slap from Edward once again.

Ouch what did I do again "Nicholas just got better and you want him to go to club are thinking at all, Edward scold him like a child. "Sorry.

"It cool am sure he didn't mean like that and we are not going to club atleast not now" So does that mean we can go later, James excitement earned him another slap.

He was excited he cut ,Nicholas words, And Nic didn't seem to care and just laughed it off and nodded for his question.

"Anyways to cut the story short we are visiting, James and Ayla family. Ayla where does your mom stays.

LA ,Ayla answered and didn't take her eyes off the screen since she has been on her laptop even with the ruckus of Edward and James she didn't take her eyes off the screen and just chuckle here and then.

What about you James " Also LA." Got! It finally, All the eyes in the room turned to Ayla who seem to be in her own world after her work pays off.

"The eyes that is seeking for answer." Ayla who was still excited finally settled down and saw all the eyes on her that looking for answers.

"Nicholas you know the person you told me to look into and the description you told me the person I just found look exactly like her.

Black hair light brown eyes it looks exactly like her and other information she is 5f8, 26 years old works in her father company finished college two years ago and also lives in LA.

"Ayla explained all the details to Nicholas and the others who had no idea what thier talking about expect from Das who has bit of ideas.

Can I see her face to comfirm, Nicholas asked for permission and. Ayla permitted him to see the picture the others also walked at his back to also see the picture of the mysterious person.

When Nicholas saw the picture he was memorized he can't believed he could like someone he didn't really interact with.

Maybe cause that was his brother last wish he felt like he need to do that.

After a while, Nicholas snapped out of the Charming picture beautiful round face and a perfect lips.