"I was weak I tried to run but I was to scared to move."My sister waited and carried me on her back.

"She was the bravest woman I ever knew just like my mother. She wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Nicholas smiled talking about himself but. Raya already died." She got shot. I also did but one my shoulder.

"Two weeks after, She died and I managed to survive. "Ella was speechless when she heard his story.

'Who could believe this young man has went through this hell. Lost his mom Dad the worst part his twins sister.

"I don't have anything to say, but I hope you are okay you went through what I couldn't even pray from. My worstes enmey.

"It fine am okay. Nicholas voice sounds cold than usual. "But thier nothing she can do. She just hope his really okay.

"Nicholas who saw the thick atmosphere, tried to light the mood by cracking a joke."How is your boyfriend.

"Ella gave,Nicholas a deadpaned look. "Which made, Nicholas scratch the back his head awkwardly.

"In the middle of thier awkward moments. "James barged in not even knocking.

"Nicholas and Ella, glanced at the door. And saw that it was none other than. James.

"What do you want?,'Nicholas, asked with a guttural voice."Which made, James sweat."The reporter's are outside.

"With that, James rushed outside of the room leaving the grumpy. Nicholas with Ella.

"Nicholas sighed he knew it was inevitable."To escape the reporter's."Ella I have to go now.'Nicholas said.

"Ella nod in acknowledgments, that was also when she remembered she came along with her best friend.

"Ella ran out of the room. Not to long after. Nicholas also step out in the hospital clothes.

"When the reporter's saw, Nicholas. Thier eyes sparked in happiness. "They swan around like ants seeing sugar.

"Bunch of mic was pointed to him. "Nicholas sighed and signal for them that they could start.

"The interview would be live "The carmera man turned on the carmera and pressed live.

"Mr Grayson, How do you feel about this unfortunate attack that happened to you.'The reporter asked.

"Honestly i don't know it still feel like a movie is my head.' Nicholas replied. "Mr Grayson thier have been some unhealthy, rumors going all about you saying you are in a dark society which resulted to this.

"Nicholas looked at the reporter, eyes to eyes."This made the reporter feel chil in his spine.

"The internet give people the power to tweak any story to thier point of view. So I don't care about what anyone says I only know what I had my friends went through.

"The views at home who started the rumors felt bad hearing what,Nicholas is saying.

"Mr Grayson am not sure but their have been a news about some of your business partners side blocking you.

"When, Nicholas heard that. He chuckled inside unknown to him that his mouth already did to the outside. Which made everyone dumbfounded.

"This is the first time thier seeing, Nicholas chuckled. "But for some weird reasons it doesn't feel right.

"The laugh only lasted for about a second, before. Nicholas answered thier questions. "The partners who did that would be sued and dealt with properly. 'Nicholas said.

"Mr Grayson am sure thier have thier own reasons. 'The reporter tried to sugarcoat his words but it only got worse.

"Am sure thier was a contract signed before we became business partners also years or months before it expires. Nicholas said.

"So leaving it a breached of rules and also I wasn't confirmed death. Even if I am my PA pm is not.

"The reporter who tried to defend them was short of words. "If they should go to court, Nicholas will definitely win.

"Wish also have the power to ask them to do anything. Which is very bad for them, the best way is to persuade him not to take the matter to court.

"Serials of questions followed and Nicholas answered everything with a few words."With that the reporter's left.


"In a meeting room where the people who side block. Nicholas gathered.

"To think of what to do the threat they received from him is not to be taken slightly.

"They knew, Nicholas for his ruthless and rarely jokes. The one's who did that was just way to greed.

"Martin what are we going to do. If you look at that son of a bitch eyes you will see his not playing around.'Oliver said.

"A man who looks to he in his mid 30s with blad hair. "Will all of you calm down.'A man who is young has, Nicholas said.

"It none other than Charles. "His 6ft brown long hair with a black eyes that looks likes abbys with his rough lips.

"What the hell are you saying calm down. Are you blind or deaf?"Paul hollered.

"Will you all calm so we can think if a way of of this asap.'Charles tried to calm the atmosphere but instead it got worst.

"Calm down you know it was actually you who suggested this so all this easy we can just put all the blame on you. 'Oliver said. While laughing like a maniac.

"Charles who saw that thier trying to pin it all on him tried to think a way out of his predicament.

"Oliver, do you truly believe. Nicholas would hear any excuses from us he already considered us traitor so going to meet him, Will only infrustrate him more.

"When they heard this.'They understood that before they decided to side block. Nicholas it was a gamble.

"If the gamble had pay off it would be a different story from this.

"So what do you suggest we do?'Paul who had been keeping quiet asked.

"Try to prusade him with girl I mean neat and clean girl. That he would be the first one to explore the garden. What do you think.