The kiss should have stopped but it didn't now thier taking thier clothes off." Nicholas took his shirt off making his body visible to ,Noval. 'While she also took her top off leaving her with a bra and low body clothes.

Thier body pressed against each other they could hear thier breath it was audible, Nic hard chest pressed against Noval soft chest.

Thing was getting intense but it came to end when ,Ayla and Rios entered the room."When the opened the door they expected sleeping Nicholas and Noval.

But now they are seeing half naked both while panting If they didn't come they will most definitely proceed with the did.

Noval and Nicholas turned thier eyes to look at the person that came into the room without knocking it was Ayla and Rios.

Noval was sitting on top of counter shelf in the room more of a desk while her legs wrapped around Nicholas waist, And Nicholas who is happy with the position that his in.

"Ayla and Rios rooted to thier position "Why are you guys taking so long. James entered the room along side with Das.

They both were shock just like Ayla and Rios and also froze just like them they know that thier was possibility of it happening but not this soon.

Nicholas looked at the new four pairs of eyes staring at him and Noval that was beside him that was also when he turned his head back to Nova.

And saw that Noval was half naked and her bra was barley hanging on her that would expose her twins.

He quickly stood infront of her he didn't know why a ping of jealous fell over him when he saw others staring at her half naked.

So he did what he thought was right now the others could only see is chest this was the first time thier were seeing his bare chest he always have a tight tank top on for training.

While the other men was most of time with thier bare chest sometimes they think Nicholas is a woman who is trying to protect her goods.

But now they could see his bare chest staring at them without care. But Das has seen his chest clothe less serviral time.

When Nicholas stood infront of her she looked around to look at what he was protecting that was when she saw her chest with a bra that was barley hanging on.

She smiled when she realized what he was protecting her from others eyes that gave her alittle assurance that he care about her.

"Das who saw what he did just smiled and was happy to see Nicholas on a journey to loss his virginity, How would a 25 years old good looking and rich a virgin.

Would you believe that of cause not but he knows no one told him, Ayla didn't even know what to say.

Do they plan to do the did in my room then am happy I interrupt the moment but now I regret it alittle. Ayla thoughts.

While the four pair of different eyes was staring at the half naked duo. Someone else came in it was none other than Rose.

"Ayla I need some new books fro-, Rose couldn't finish her words when she saw the duo and the four pair eyes.

She didn't have any idea that other people were in Ayla room to talk of having fun and also she turned and looked at Ayla who froze along with three more guys.

Rose cleared her throat which snapped the four people out thier thoughts and looked at the source of the outside sound.

Ayla avert her eyes from the duo" James was about to open his mouth to ask questions but it was cut short for him.

All of you get out, Nicholas said in a low voice but it loud enough for them to hear and also is sounded more of warning.

Ayla didn't need to be tell twice she turned around and left the room but not without Rose who she dragged along the others aslo left.

Leaving only Noval and Nicholas."After they left Noval burst into laughter she was holding her laugh before but she couldn't hold it anymore and they are gone already.

"Why are you laughing " Nothing everything happening is it not funny and why are also standing infront of me, Nova was teasing him.

And he knows but his not a man to hid about his feelings "I did that because I didn't want other men to see you like this."If you don't want other men to see me like this then who could, she asked teasingly.

Only me it only me that can see you like this and maybe some women."But why does it have to be you have a woman you are looking for Noval continued her teasing but Nicholas didn't seem to mind and keep answering her.

"Yes you right I maybe looking for another woman but I would also take you serious and why would I let someone who got my first kiss go like that Nicholas said with devilishly smile.

"Your first kiss Noval found it unbelievable his first kiss but his not one to lie so she intend to know the information.

What do you mean first kiss ,Mr Grayson her voice was definitely seducing Nicholas. "I don't really like the last name since I share it with that bastard but with you saying it like that I don't mind.

Mr Grayson you like me to call you Mr Grayson but I don't want to be a one night stand Mr Grayson " Novas Why would I gave a one night stand my first kiss and I also plan to give her my body.

You plan to give me your body Mr Grayson Nova asked with a raised eye brows" Of cause "Then let proceed."Na not here it would be disrespectful to Miss Sarah and Ayla would definitely kill us.

"Yes you are right she would definitely kill us now that.

James js aware the other will come soon so let me go shower can you please help me with a new clothes from the van.

This is one tore "How is tore Nicholas didn't know when or how her clothes tore"When he asked that she gave him a dagger stare which means you were the one who tore it.

He quickly avert his gaze facing men was easy but women giving you murder stare is a no " I would help you get it on one condition kiss me.

Muah Noval kissed him but he gave her another one if one him he would ever be like this in his life he would just smile and ignore the person but know here he his.

He wasn't sure he love her but he like her and would protect her and every single one close to him.