Nicholas put on his shirt and went downstairs Ayla room was upstairs he went thier to get the clothes for himself and her he rushed he wants to meet her in the shower.

He knew this was a bad idea seeing they barley escape the room half naked what if thier now fully naked it would be something unbelievable.

At the moment that all that was at his head he got to the living area where all the people thier are staring him with different expression.

Some with shock and somes with amazed difference but he didn't care he greeted the new people in the which were Mila and Edric.

"He went to the van and took a new pair of clothes for Noval and new shirt for himself his shirt got slacke alittle so he picked a new pair of shirt for himself.

He would go shopping with others today if Noval is done with her shower and maybe they could have some foods.

He opened the door to the living area and was heading to the room to meet Noval but he was stoped James and Leo stood infront of him.

Nicholas looked at them waiting for them to speak and Leo took the opportunity to talk"What happened up thier." Nicholas looked uninterested with the question and just ignore them.

And was about to pass thier side to the room but James hold him back he hath his steps and looked at the hands on his shoulder.

"Take your hand of me" No I won't until you tell us what happened. This got the attention off everyone in the room.

Ayla understood what happening but he didn't think James approaching Nicholas would solve the situation it would just make it worse.

They all took eachother as family so one them dating eachother is okay but they made some rules that Nicholas wasn't aware off if you want to date thier girls you have to beat all of them.

But if one of them or two consider you worth they would approve you and won't fight you. They all know Nicholas is worthy but none of them have fought him before so they.

Consider this an opportunity to fight him and also Das won't be participating he already approved Nicholas and he didn't need to fight.

They both train together sometimes even though he train alone most of time.

Ayla Ayla." Edric drew Ayla closer to him and whispered something to her." What going on " They are about to fight, Ayla whispered back to him.

Why will they fight is because of what you guys saw inside that rose told me about, Ayla nod her head.

"Ayla, Nicholas called her name" Yes Nic." Can you please help me take this clothes to Noval, Ayla noded and stood up and went to collect the clothes from his hand.

Ayla collected the clothes and went to the room to give Noval the clothes. " Ayla entered the room and looked around for Novas. Then Ayla heard the shower running she placed the clothes on the bed.

"And knocked on the bathroom door to inform her she left the clothes but instead she regreted her decision with the way Novas replied her.

"Grayson do not dare enter here or you get a kiss from me for a whole day I promise. Okay fine you can come in but promise not to touch anything. "Ayla had to use her hands to cover her ears.

It me Ayla that was the only words before rushing out if the room and walked to living area where Nicholas and James are still in the same position.


Any man who wants to date a girl from our mist, would have to fight all of us except from the ones who deemed you worthy.

James declared and this got Edric to glup his saliva while stealing a galre at James whose seem to be serious.

Would he able to survive to beat five of them he didn't think Nicholas would since his going to get beaten he didn't know who Nicholas is.

Rose has been staring at Nicholas since he went to the van to get clothes and also when James stopped him she found him so familiar but she didn't know where she had seen him before or met him.

"So i get to fight you all because of Noval right Nicholas asked with a raised eyes brows. " Yes you have to fight us all except from Das. "Okay then.

Miss Sarah please do you have a basement in this house Nicholas asked politely " Yes I do.

Good we have the fight in her basement the other couldn't believe thier ears it was only Das who didn't seem to be surprised.

Miss Sarah can you please lead us thier" Sarah stood up and lead them there every followed them except from Rose who volunteered to bring Noval if she is done.

Not to long Noval came to the living area and saw that it was only Rose who was casually sitting on the sofas.

"Where is the others she asked "Ohh you are here Noval thier fighting because of you Rose said casually.

Wait why are they fighting is something wrong "thier fighting because of you "Because of me Noval was confused.

But something came to her mind she remembered the rule they made that Nicholas was not aware of.

But fight wait thier fighting she needs to stop it" Where are they do you know the place" Rose noded.

And lead her to the basement "I wish to see a man to also fight for me just like her man.Unkown to her prayer is answered.


They got to the basement and rearrange some stuffs so thier would be enough space for the fighting.

James put pull his top off now everyone knows how serious this is the mothers thier tried to stop it but Ayla hold them off that it not that serious.

Nicholas took his wristwatch and the bracelets of the twin he kept them on everyday.