Rose took them to one off the expensive restaurant in the area and she claimed for it to be really expensive.

But when they got thier it just like peanuts to them they wanted to laugh but Ayla gave them a dagger stare which, Got the males to keep thier mouth shut.

"Thier food arrived they digged in few minutes later they finished thier food and decided to hang thier for some more minutes.

The mothers went home leaving them all to thier. Rios was sitting next to Edric Rose was sitting next to Ayla.

"Rios scooped closer to Edric and lean towards him and whispered something words to him.

"Do you like her, Rios whispered to him while eying Ayla, Edric didn't want to say no and just nod. "Mm I guess so I can help you put in some good words with them.

Now Edric seem interested in the conversation since he said he will put in some good words for him that may help him.

What do you do for a living, Rios asked " I do part time job mostly delivering but I earned a thousand in a week, Edric said hopping to convince Rios.

Rios stared at him with a face that says am I supposed to be impressed "Edric firgued he didn't manage to convince him.

Rios retreat back to his sit and made a big announcement that made Edric wished he could enter the floor he felt so ashamed and felt his life at risk

"Everyone please one house I have something to tell you all "Edric Likes Ayla and is ready to fight for her.

Nicholas didn't seem to care he already knows and he approved him but if he dare do anything funny is 6feet under.

"The other thought the same but James didn't think the same and was smiling ready for another round he would sure be a winner this time.

"Okay will fight when will get home James declared, Which earned him a glares from all the people in the room including Rose.

"Mmm okay I approved him and if you want to fight him you will fight me first, Nicholas said which made all the people on the table to turn around.

James gluped when he heard what Nicholas said he still hasn't recovered from the beating he received from him. But another one that a definitely no for him.

"Ha ha ha I was just joking James tried to joke his way out this made them laugh until Nicholas said another thing "If you also want a girl you would also have to fight us.

"James regreted his decision for talking, buy unknowingly to him hid glare went to Rose "And Nicholas didn't fail to notice it and just smiled dryly.

"Okay but what job do you do" Leo asked "I do part time jobs 'Edric said while he hung his head" He was ashamed of himself doing that job.

"Nicholas glare at Edric and grined."Let go back will talk when we get home they all agreed they noticed people was listening to thier conversations and they don't want that and went home.

They drove back to ,Ayla mom's house and went to the living room to talk, 'What do you think about being Ayla assistant.

When Edric heard that he thought his ears stopped working for a seconds "Ayla also felt the same assistant for what.

But she wants Edric to take care of his family and she is sure that, Nicholas would pay him well so she doesn't care.

And was even happy and quickly rouse up and hugged him this caught him unguarded he reprocate.

"Rose who heard this was surged to ask him a question "Wait what the name of your company "She asked.

"Grayson Enterprises "Rose couldn't believe her ears she thought he looked familiar but she was right he his" Nicholas Vns Grayson.

The fast rising company, young delivish handsome Ceo right infront of her face. "He was used in many lectures every one admired him so much.

That people wished they could meet him if she can bring him to her college she will definitely be the top girl leaving the most beautiful girl alone.

Yes that the plan she would look for a way to make him come and also his friends are good looking If they could come the guys would be in shambles.

Rose who have zoom off in her thoughts not knowing her brother has been calling her. "Rose Rose Rose Rose, Edric called her fourth time but she didn't respond.

"Edric walked closer to her and flick her forehead not to hard but enough to make her snap out of her daze.

Ouch!"Why did you hit me that hard "Rose said angrily. "Yes she was just being dramatic. "James who heard this wished he could break Edric arm.

And make him scream in pain just like her"It not that painful you are just being dramatic "Edric rolled his eyes.

Whatever but it still hurts you know "Okay sorry. "Better, anyways are you accepting the job." Edric noded.

"That good Rios would explain everything to you Nicholas said catching them off they were not aware he was listening to them.

"Rios who heard this felt like crying, Leo patted his back to give him some slight comfort but it didn't work.

"Rios dragged Edric away from the crowd and took to the hallway and explained everything for him.

"Edric who heard everything thought he was dreaming that he will wake up soon. The person who his a delivering man his about to be a high class worker.

Also in the path off getting his crush which turned to love. This is a dream come through for him.

He would be able to buy a house for is mother in a good estate that her and his sister can stay and be happy.

"The work is to be Ayla assistance, Salary 120 thousands dollars per month he can take it weekly or monthly any one he prefer.