Two days later.....

A lots of things happened within the span of two days. Edric got a job, Ayla mom and Edric mom is moving to, One of Nicholas estate in LA.

Nicholas bought a few properties when he got to LA just like he had in New York. "He gave them two houses close to each one of the best.

"All they need to bring to that house is just thier clothes it all set"Rose too managed to convince Nicholas through James and Noval.

"He finally agreed to visit her school with mindset of inviting alittle the school is top 5 of the elite school, She got in through scholarship.

Nicholas planed to use a day or two in,Miss Sarah house but he and the other ended up using three days it was long but he won't change anything it. Was all good memories and his proud if himself and team mate.

Now thier next destination is James house,But before they go thier Rose college first since that she also going back to school.

The schools are....

1.The University of, Los Angeles (ULA)

2. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

3.University of Southern LA(USL)

4.Loyalty College (LC)

5.Loyol Marymount University (LMU)

"Rose school is (LC) top 4 out of the top 5 school in, LA. Nicholas was impressed when he heard thar she is in one off the top 5 Elite school.

Nicholas went to one of the best schools in New York but he didn't enrolled himself in one of the Elite school.

Back then he was trying to keep a low profile and went to the best but not ranked on the Elite charts and his okay with that.

But he had an idea of what Elite school would be, A place filled with spoiled brats and bunch of idiots who don't respect women.

That was part of the reason he didn't go cause he would always fight if he did go to a Elite school.

He hopes his visit now would be good and no problem but not knowing that problem was waiting for him.

In the Van....

Das is driving while Rios and Leo is driving the sport cars Nicholas is in the van with others.

It takes an hour and 30 minutes to get to Rose school."Nicholas didn't know how they managed to convince him now he regerted his decision.

But know he can't back out anymore he looks so pissed and Noval found his face funny she was laughing every time she sees his face.

"Nicholas didn't find anything funny and shurged the face away leaving the no emotion face on.

Rose found this amusing the way he could change his emotions like toy she wish could do that. But she knew to be able to achieve something like that.

You will have to train mentally and that would definitely take alot of time and that something she doesn't have.

Most of the parties done college she doesn't attend them she spends her time reading to make her scholarship intact.

But know since her brother got a good job may she can slack alittle but she doesn't want to.

Rose who was looking at Nicholas while thinking snapped out of it and saw Nicholas staring right into her eyes.

She tried to break the eyes contact but she wasn't able to just like she is under spell under his spell.

His bule eyes which could captive anyone heart but not hers she looked at him like a big brother and which he would one day take her as sister.

Nicholas found this exciting and broke the eye contact while questioning her.

"What's it that you are thinking about in a day time. Nicholas looked curious "Nothing am thinking about nothing.

"You know I could tell all the way from here that you are lying, Nicholas said while smirking."What do you mean. Even though she doesn't know how to change her emotions yet she can mask it well.

"You are pretty good at masking your lie but not to me so now what are you thinking about. "Nothing absolutely nothing.

"Rose you zoomed out for 5 minutes and you and you are here telling me nothing. "Mm I don't know what you talking about. Rose put on a innocent face.

Nicholas chuckled and nod his head giving a sign that he gives up."Rose who saw this felt bad and finally gave in.

"But not knowing this was also one of Nicholas plan."She fell for it before she knew it was a trap.

"I was thinking about you and me ,After that Nicholas laughed. Which made her realize it was a trap and it was too late to back out.

"She also laughed the laughing competition between Nicholas and Rose, finally stopped thier laughing.

"So what is it about me that you are thinking "How you can change your emotions just like switching lights on and off.

Nicholas laughed once again, Rose followed suits.The other didn't no what going on and just ignored them.

Noval already went to sit in the front along side with Das the driver.

"Do you want to be able to do that "Rose nod her head" I can teach you within an hour but up to you if want to be able to master it.

In your day to day life you have to spear an hour for this to be able to get good control of it."It took me 2 months to master.

"But since am the one teaching you should be able to master with in a month if you are ready.

"Okay do we start now" Rose asked anxiously. "No not now but I will before I go "Rose agrees with this set up."With that out of the she asked the questions she has be meaning to ask.

"Can I get a job if am done with my study Rose asked."Sure why not you have my number right. "Rose shook her head.

"Okay where is your phone "Rose passed her phone to him and he puts his number on her phone.