
Arrived at thier destination they could see a big sign that says.(LC)"Das found a good parking space he parked and other followed Suit.

"Nicholas exited the car and the other did the same thier apprence got alot of attention from the people.

"Wow who are those people "A student asked."I don't know and I don't personally care but they really look good when" A student whistled.

The guys were also having thier comation seeing the girls but one of them managed to see Rose."Wait hold is that not Rose.

"Yo you are right that her but wait what she doing with those people. "Go ask her."This made the other people close to them who.

Was listening to thier conversations burst into laughter. "This made the student furious but thier is nothing he can do.

"Nicholas didn't pay attention to them and just walked pass them and head to the principle office.

The other followed him now people saw ,Rose clearly. "It quickly spread through the whole school that Rose brought handsome, Strangers.

Nicholas walked through the hallway till he got to the principle office and knocked on the door. "Who is there, a voice came from the other side of the door.

"Nicholas it me Nicholas."Come in, Nicholas opened the door and entered the room."Thier was bunch of documents on the principle table.

"The principle raised his head up from the documents and looked up at the person who entered his office.

But when he saw the person he thought he was dreaming wait is that not,Nicholas Grayson. The fast raising pace, Ceo.

Right in front off him, his mouth hung open but he snapped of it when he heard a deep voice." Can I sit.

"Ohh yes have a sit ,the principle left his sit hoping. Nicholas would sit on it, But instead Nicholas sat on one of the two chairs.

Infront off his desk the principle also took his seat. Ayla did the same when they got to the front of the principle office.

The others followed, Rose to show them around the college she agreed happyliy to give them a tour.

"Nicholas and Ayla would join them if thier done settling business. " Mr Grayson am happy you blessed us with your presence.

"But want do you want sir," Can I know your name sir. "Joseph Smith sir." Nice to meet you, Mr Smith.

Nicholas pushed his hand forward, Joseph quickly stood up and use his both hand to take ,Nicholas hand.

He has not yet come to the fact that his seeing him talk less of holding his hand it a privilege for him to be able to do that.

Nicholas smiled at the man reactions he found it funny he started his company a month or 2.

And his fame is up to this length his quiet happy he followed his twins advice, but that didn't mean he cares about fame.

He rarely talk on the media and only attend meetings that important and or a broad meeting with his partners.

I came here to donate to this school so you will be able to give more scholarships out and not much work.

"Ohh Mr Grayson that would be nice so sir how much would like to donate sir." 100 million dollars.

Si-r sir I don't know want you said or maybe I heard you wrong you meant 100 thousand dollars right. Joseph thought he was earing things.

The school annual pay is 50 thousand dollars and the highest donate is 30 millions dollars.

So hearing someone is trying to donate 100 millions dollars is no joke that why he thought he heard it wrong.

"Mr Smith you heard me right me and my team would like to donate one hundred million dollars Sir.

"Thank you so much sir thank you for being a good person who wishes other people good you are blessed sir."The man couldn't believe the young, Ceo.

Would do something that big to the school with that type of money thier will be more scholarships to talented kids.

Unlike most of the spoiled brat in the academy before the school produce a hundred scholarships now they will be able to produce more.

"Mr Smith am not doing it for you it for the kids and not you. And if I find out that you and the school didn't do that, I would come back but not nicely.

The tone didn't sound nicely instead it sounds more of a warning. "And he didn't fail to understand that it a warning.

Mr Smith give the account to my assistant, she will send the money now and here the transaction would be done here.

"Thank you Mr Grayson me and the school would not fail to make that happen am promising you sir.

"Nicholas didn't say a word and just let Ayla and the man to the remaining things to do."Ayla and Nicholas was about to exit the room.

But Smith stopped them."Mr Grayson would you like the school to do anything else for you or maybe you want your name.

To be told to everyone in the school or do you want anything else sir. "No need for that Mr Smith.

I just need a thing for you ."Anything, Mr Grayson if it within our reach i would do it happily sir.

I want you to keep an eyes on a girl named, Rose Johnson. She is like a sister to me and I want you to make look out for her.

If she in trouble here is my card inform me immediately, Nicholas finished his words and tossed his card to the principle.

Who managed to catch it, Ayla was happy with what she heard that, Nicholas took Rose as a sister.

If one knows he has this soft heart they would definitely take advantage of him but that even if you managed to beak his walls.

You can't even know him easily but if you managed to that you will know his a big baby,He will definitely be the best dad.