That the one who beat us until we can't stand up again "One of the students said.

That also Rose and the other lady who hit him first" another replied.

"You are the bastard who beats my son do you know, who he is to do that kind of a animal behavior. "A man with a little bit of gray hair said.

The brat who was trying to have his way with Rose smiled knowing his father would back him up no matter what he does.

"The principle was speechless he didn't know who to support. Duke father also support the school but not like Nicholas.

"Mr dash"I don't think this matter needs to be resolved this way it something we can resolve over a drink,the principle tried to cool the tension.

Bit it was all for nothing, Mr Phillips claims that his son did nothing wrong and wants. Nicholas to apologize.

And the principle is sure that wound never happen cause for. Mr Grayson to act it has to be something bad.

"All the agruement went on and forth but, Nicholas hasn't utter a words and just stare at the man claiming is son is right.

"Okay since the matter is like this let know what happened to know who is at fault"The principle suggested." Yes that would be good so the peasants can apologize and stop wasting my time.

"Rose stood up and took the initiative to speak after her explanation.The Duke father burst into laughter "Ha haha ha.

Principle Smith don't you understand where this is going, this whore will ask my son for compensation for trying to rape her.

What will my son see in her body to be the one he would want to use his royal dick, he can fuck the most top female celebrities with call.

Talkless of this cheap whore we already know who is right or wrong, please ask this idiot to apologize before I lose my cool.

Smith look up to the brat and noticed a hint of fear in him which means what Rose said maybe the truth but he doesn't know for sure.

Mr Phillips, how are you so sure your son didn't do it the principle wants to see if another fear with show in him and he was right.

Another fear showed in him but how would he do it that this man won't get pissed off. "What the hell are you talking about, Smith all the dicks in, Phillips family is royal.

We would never stoop so low am sure this whore would be begging to maybe get a taste it but she won't. "With those words the son felt confident.

"What your name that the words. Nicholas utter since "Ohh a peasants like wants to know my name Okay then I will give you the honor.

"To know my name " Ben Phillips that my name" Nicholas fished out his phone from his pocket and made a call.

With a few words which is."Take down all companies that has the name of. Phillips in it borad directors."When Ben heard this he burst into laughter again thinking it all a joke.

"It was only principle Smith that knew how serious this is he didn't know if he could do that but his words were serious it can be true.

What the need of rush everything will unfold in few minutes from now so why be in haste." Are you done with your cheap acting apologize to my son so I can be going.

He didn't finish his last words before his phone rang "Hello ."Sir all the company has been sold to a anonymous buyer."What the hell are you talking about can't you reject the offer.

"Sir I wished we could but we were threatened that if we don't sell it would be bankruptcy with tax I thought the caller was bluffing but we received emails from tax we were told to pay 300 millions dollars.

And if we pay that our company would shutdown immediately "Ben couldn't believe what his hearing he cut the call.

"Yet another one enter from part of the company he invested in"You are fired I never want to see you In my life.

"You son of a bitch."He couldn't believe all the companies he has built for 20 going to 25 years would crumble right in front of his eyes.

"I think you are ready to talk now, Nicholas said. Everyone in room looks at him with a faces that says how did you do that.

A bucket of Sweats was dripping from Ben forehead and also his son. He didn't know his son has picked a fight with people higher than him.

Now your son tried to rape her he may have succeeded but thank to my girl he didn't but, he should also thank my girl cause if he had done he would have been 6feet.

If Nicholas said this words before they would have thought he was bluffing but seeing the way he ruined his company with a phone call definitely straightened them.

He tried to rape someone I considered sister and aslo went back to bring more gang to beat my girl and sister."But i got thier at that time.

Now I only have to question and your question would determine if your father would get one of his company back or not" Nicholas voiced sounds like he was playing with them.

Ben walked to where his son his standing and smacked him on head PA!"You better tell the truth if you don't want me to roast you immediately.

Ben son gulped knowing his father his not joking his answer would determine, if thier going to be poor or rich back.

Why did you try to have your way with her' Nicholas question "It because I made a bet with my friends to smash her.

Mmmm Nicholas hummed,Two why didn't you tell your father the truth and had to stress me here. Nicholas dragged the stress long.

This made Rose chuckle and The other girls "The principle and, Ben couldn't believe thiet laughing in this type of situation.