
"I wanted my dad to make you pay for disgracing me in front of my friend.

"Nicholas hummed once again "Am happy you didn't lie but that didn't mean I would forgive you."Your son came to you and explained fake story to you.

You came in here ask for the principle to call me and asking to apologize to a bastard you call son you call me idiots my sister whore.

While you are the son of a bastard who gave birth to a bastard he tried to force his way."Is that the future. Ceo of your father inlaw company. "Ben eyes widen he didn't know how he knew the company belong to his father inlaw.

A modafucker, Ceo who would fuck all his staff's just cause he feels like or made a bet."If you worked for the company you would raised a bastard calling him a son.

"Am done here apologize to her, Nicholas demanded "Am so sorry it would never happen again i promised.

Nicholas stood and was about to exit the room before turning back looking at the principle and the son of a bastard "See you Mr Smith, and you one your company would be returned but only half.

That the price you get to pay for wasting my precious time."Nicholas walked out followed by the others to the van and sport cars.

"How did you do that ,Rose asked and they seem to want to also know how he did that with one phone call."It a secret.

The other rolled thier eyes because they didn't get the answer they wanted leaving only Rose and Nicholas.

Rose would stay in college while Nicholas have to proceed to his next visit. "You have my number right if you have any problem call me okay" Okay.

"Here is one my card you can buy anything you want I don't want to be stressing your mom or brother, okay call me if you need anything "Rose couldn't believe her eyes.

Black card a limited card that only one of the top companies can get Nicholas Is giving it to her and still saying if she needs more.

"No I can't accept this you have done enough for Mr Grayson if I accept this then am a bad person."Do not worry i gave it to you okay I have to go now.

"Do not hesitate to call me Rose bye. "Just as Nicholas was about to leave, Rose dragged him back and give him a big hug.

Nicholas entered the van sitting next to, Noval who is in cloud 10 since. Nicholas called her his girl "The words has been ringing bell in her ears since.

What going on what are you thinking about,' Nicholas asked 'Have been thinking about you" What about me have you been thinking off is it what happened to his company.

"Of cause not it you calling me your girl 'ohh I didn't know you didn't like it am sorry I didn't know other words to use."Shush Noval put her finger on Nicholas lips.

"While asking' am I really your girl or you just said that at the moment cause that what came to your mind."Do you want to be my girl.

"Am not so sure, Mr Grayson maybe a kiss can make me reconsider your questions 'With further or do. Nicholas sealed thier lips together.

Ayla who is the car with Rio regerted thier decision not following other laughing while driving them to their new destination.


An hour later they got this beautiful and magnificent place which is, James house which signify his parents her filthy rich they parked the cars and exited car.

James whose different emotions seem to be rushing to him seeing the house he saw 7 years ago his sister would normally send money to him.

But all this stopped when thier parents noticed and blocked his sister account so he has to work back then to eat now look at him also rich.

If not more than them now a lot of works that. Nicholas and his team did the last few months which earned them billions of dollars each.

"A lot of Massiom alliance that Nicholas raid without leaving a trace that is him or his team mate.

If he finished finding Ella and done with this visit and get revenge for his team mate he would now deal with, Massiom all by himself.

"Ding dong ding dong. "James rang the doorbell twice before the door opened on the other side door was is sister.

She couldn't believe her eyes he didn't even inform her that his coming with visitors but at the moment she didn't she just embraced her brother with a hug.

James also did the same he missed her so much he didn't need to say it out loud his actions are already speaking for him.

"Who are those his sister whispered to him "Thier my friends. "So many friends " Yes sister when I told them i wanted to visit them also wanted to come along "Okay then.

"Come in she said out loud' the people who didn't disturbed thier happy reunion followed her words and entered instead.

It was has beautiful had out side most if the interior her gold which gives it this magistical looks.

The interiors do look good but not. Nicholas type is to bright for his liking he prefer dark or white just like Ayla mom house.

Sister this is my friends "Nicholas







And guys this my sister Evelyn "Nice to meet you Evelyn,they all spoke at the same time.

"What would you guys like to drink or eat " every one answered expect from Nicholas who felt something was not right.

Das was also feeling the same way but he shrugged it away "But Nicholas won't since what happened that particularly day he takes everything seriously.

Evelyn, is other people here"Nicholas couldn't take it anymore and voiced out."What do you mean am the only one.

"That a lie thier is definitely other people here"We are the one's two people came out from the shadow.

"Ohh guys sorry I forgot to mention this are our twins i forgot about them, James said."And Evelyn laughed which means thier peaking them.

"Still Nicholas didn't feel home here at all like Ayla mom's place.