Beginning Of The Problems

Hours later...

Everyone settled down in a room given to the 3 room was available for the guests, Plus James own making it 4.

They split thier self two two to each room. Ayla and Noval, Nicholas and Das ,Leo and Rios with James and Edward.

That how they split up together.

Currently all of them are in the living area while James and his sister and other siblings are having conversations they don't care about.

"But from the look of the conversation is definitely not good James change few times, but it none other than sadness anger that all the expression while the siblings faces is tearing.

Nicholas didn't know why but he felt the conversation thier is somehow connected to the feel of this house how it doesn't have a feeling of home.

After all this visit and revenge Nicholas definitely needs vacation to rest from all this stress, is draining him mentally.

He doesn't even get to spend time with, Noval cause Ayla stole her from him and thier is nothing he could he had to settle down with an old man.

Whose call his girlfriend here and then that makes Nicholas to want to smash, Das head but he keeps cool.

"30 minutes of nothing.....

James was finally done with his conversation with his siblings and walked to them and sat with them his siblings did the same.

Before James could say anything Nicholas was already feeling a headache from what his about to say but he has no choice but to be of help.

"Guys am so sorry for what about to ask, James voice was shaky before he continued" Everything I told you guys about my experience that my father and mother did this and that.

"I just firgued now that it is a lie, my parents never heated me or cut me off they just wanted me to stand on my own I never knew, but it a little bit late now that i found out.

James voice was filled with guilty the others could feel his sadness and regret that he found out just now.

"I found out now that my parents has been duped by mafia people that disguse like a company that invest and, you can invest in.

"I need your help to help me get my parents wealth back from them my parents rarely come, home cause they have to work thier ass off.

If they want to keep this house pay bills and take care of my siblings please am begging guys help me this once, my parents can't continue to live like this.

My siblings had to stop school for a while because they haven't pay he meant the twins. Evelyn is his older sister.

James got up from the sofas and kneeled infront of his friends considered family to help his family overcome this criss.

Evelyn was doing everything in her power not to break down and not to worry her younger brother. "When she explained everything to her brother.

"She thought his reply would probably being sad but instead he said he would get thier parents company and money back.

And make them pay ,she didn't understand what he said but she could tell that was not joking James. "And je meant everything he said.

Seeing him kneeling infront of his friends showed that they are probably people who could fight for them.

She didn't know why she has her hopes so high but she prayes they help them from this situation they got them self into.

Edward eyes James and stood up and also helped him up."Look here I consider you my brother so of course am going to help Edward said, and patted James.

This brought a little smile to his face but he looked back at other waiting for them to make thier descion. He can't expect them to just appect like that.

Coming to visit his family with him was already talkless of them being in a criss that they need to find a way to pull them out.

James looked at them hoping they atleast fight with him, Everyone stood up and agreed to fight with expect Nicholas.

James felt so disheartening he knew.

Nicholas has done more than enough for all of them but If he was in this fight then it definitely a success.

But with him out it would be hard but he didn't let that shake him and put on a smile. "His sister and the twins also laughed.

But they could tell his was force which means the person not joining him is definitely a bigger shot.

"Nicholas looked at ,James and grained before he stood up and walked up to James putting his hand on his shoulder before speaking.

" If one of us is hurt then we are all hurt, If one of us is down we are all down, And also If one of is fight then we are all fighting., If you are in a war. James then we all Are!!!!!

Yessssss!!!!!!!!!, All of them shouted expect from James was holding back is tears, he doesn't want to look like a cry baby or weak.

"Nicholas gripped James shoulder harder making him to look up to him while, mouthing a words Thank you" We are in this together my brother.

"So I believe if we want to get to the point of this issue we need to know where it started from, Nicholas declared.

And they all agreed they need to know how and when and where" I would explain James sat in the middle of all of them.

And begin to explain everything, How it started how about 7 years ago but it was not has hard has this.

All the stocks investments my parents did all hit block one was not successful that was how thier problems begins.

"When her parents noticed that every stocks investment they kept purchasing is always hitting the block they decided to back out.

But they didn't give the an easy out instead make thier life a living hell.