Beginning Of The Problem S

The document they signed was conned stating that if they decide to back out partner up with the scam company.

They have to give 70% worth of thier companies incomes with immediate effect but if they try to skip it or struggle it would be triple which means 100%.

All of thier worth would be gone, Evelyn tears was flowing uncontrollably."James was really tighten his knuckles really hard.

Edward grabbed his shoulder and tighten his grip on him trying to calm him down."James could look up and smile indicating that his fine.

1 hours later the discussion came to an end and the points are the one that scamed, James family is backed by some one powerful.

"They threatened his parents saying they would kill his siblings, and didn't even bother to tell back then he may have nothing to do.

But atleast he would have done something but now is still the same it just that now it definitely a success.

"Mmm, We deal with the company and also help me in the same situations as your parents. Nicholas said.

"Also what the name of the company. "LCA Enterprises, Evelyn answered "LCA mm you sure messed with the wrong family, Nicholas mumbled himself while rubbing is chin.

The next day.....

Nicholas is all dressed up in a grey suit, Others are also dressed ready for business. "James siblings are also dressed.

They didn't want to leave them alone, all the plan they had thier flaws, which is them."They want to be compromised.

"So they would be with them and we'll protected thier heading to the company. "They pulled up in a the benz van.

"Evelyn was nervous, she didn't know who this people are but she doesn't want them to get hurt because of them.

"James who noticed his sister discomfort he scot closer to her and reassured her that everything would go has planned.

Few minutes later, they arrived at thier destination, They could see the name of the company clean and clear. LCA.

"Nicholas and Ayla got of the car and walked inside the company.

"First phase of the plan is for, Nicholas and Ayla to act like they would like to invest with them. "But you need to book and appointments to be able to see them ,Evelyn was curious to how they would meet if appointments is not set.

"After her questions, Everyone in the room laughed, Expect from Evelyn and the twins they were curious to know.

"If you heard that, Grayson Enterprises wants to invest in you but appointment was not set up would you accept or follow the business procedure.

"I would see him that a big investment that a opportunity that comes but once, Everyone one wants big shareholders in thier company of cause.

"Evelyn answered proudly like a business woman her parents raised her to be." James smiled looking ar her sister proud gaze.

"So why would he refuse him, Rios asked with a raised eyes brows. "Reject him what do..."Are you saying his the, Ceo of Grayson Enterprises.

"James smiled looking at her sister priceless expression before answering her."Yes he his and we also work in thier.

"Wait are trying say you work in Grayson Enterprises. "Austin asked. His one the twins he voiced since.

"James nodded," Wait that means his your boss, August asked while pointing at, Nicholas with a surprise face."James Nod once.

"Evelyn now truly understand why her brother felt sad earlier when he thought he wasn't going to participate.


Nicholas and Ayla walked inside the company and saw two receptionist, a male and a female.

Well dressed in black suit, Ayla went forward to make the meeting happen has soon has possible.

"While Nicholas took his sat of the sofas across the room while crossing his leg.

He looks like every lady dream man he charming caring well cold sometimes buy anyway his a very gentle to man.

Cough* cough *, Well gentle with friends ruthless with enmey.

"After two minutes of talk ,Ayla manage to set a meeting up which will take place in five minutes.

"The delay in the meeting is because the, Ceo is attending to someone, but when he heard the.

Ceo of Grayson Enterprises is here who would miss out on this big opportunity Well a fool would.

Five minutes later, The receptionist asked them to go in, Nicholas stood up and along with Ayla.

"And the receptionist leads them to the Ceo office. "Sir I would be right outside if you need anything."Nicholas didn't to look at the receptionist who is trying so hard.

"And just nod that was enough to make her happy for the rest of the month, Ayla who saw was about to burst in laughter but controlled herself.

"Nicholas swung the door open and entered the office, he gaze are the room before he saw the ,Ceo.

He looks to be in his early 20s, quite tall looks fit short black hair which length covers his face which was also good looking.

Nicholas walked closer to his table shake the hand he stretched since and shake him. "Nice to meet you Mr Grayson.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr" Ohh Rodriguez."Nice to meet you, Mr Rodriguez. "You may have your sit.

Nicholas nod and sat ,Ayla did the same. "This is my assistant, Ms Wilson. "Nice to meet you Miss Wilson.

Nice to also meet you,Mr Rodriguez. " Rodriguez smiled this lady infront of him is definitely a beauty.

"He would like to tear apart and ravished like a beast, his brown rounded eyes didn't leave Ayla and kept staring.

"Ayla who saw this felt irritated, she hated when men stared at her like she is some meal at first meet, Edric never looked her that way.

Instead with love and affection. " Nicholas who also noticed, Rodriguez staring at , Ayla did something.

"Mr Rodriguez, I would appreciate it if you stop glaring at my assistant with that eyes, Nicholas words didn't sound friendly, Instead it sounded more like a warning.