"Are you serious he really feel for it' A handsome you man asked.

"Do you think I would lie at first, I didn't believe but when I saw the he acted. I knew for sure he would fall for this type game. Rodriguez replied to his friends.

Currently he in a private bar him and his 5 friend are thier no ladies just them and drinks, So they could discuss in private.

"Liam I can't believe but I aslo know it not impossible cause you are definitely smart, One of his friends said an patted his shoulder.

"Liam who also known has, Rodriguez is smile like a crazy receiving praise from his friends is definitely worthy.

"Since his friends praise him like this, is hundred percent sure the gang is going to feel the same way.

"Clang!! Cheers!!! To millions!! Different voice echoed at the same time drink thier sorrows away.


Nicholas and the others are waiting patiently infront the bar, he hasn't gone home since he headed here straight and he has been for hours.

"James suggested, They ambush him right now right here, But Rio refused saying.

"If we do that now, we may miss a big chance to catch the big fish. Am sure that thier is someone behind the sence.

"The money and property's he took from your family is worth 2billlon dollars right. "James nodded.

"Now, Nicholas is offering yo buy 30% of the company shares. Look how excited he his.

"Now that, Rio pointed out some facts they believe he has a good point, if he owned the money he wouldn't be that happy.

"So I suggest we wait if anyone out of place come here if not we tail him home and make him talk simple "Rios said.

And they all agreed and waited to see if anything strange happened or they would follow him home.

"While we are waiting for that little rascal, why don't we play a game, Leo suggested.

"Sure why not what game do you have in mind. 'Das asked .

"So thier is two game in my mind right now."Mm go on, James said.

"So it goes like this two truth one lie the second one never have I ever.

"James nod his in agreement of cause he knows those games, but from the looks others are giving it seems like they don't.

"Hold on what Era are you that you don't know one the most common game' Leo asked.

Looking so frustrated he has to explain everything to them step by step ,though it not really. That hard to explain but it is still tiring.

"So the first game it just like it name, You have to tell two truth and one lie but. You won't tell us if it's a lie we are to firgue it out ourselves.

"All of them nod thier head in agreement showing that they understand what his saying, Leo countied his explanation.

"Second one you have to raise all of your hands up and fingers we will say things if you have done you would put, One finger down if not you won't.

"Okay we understand so who is going first, Edward asked.

"Him of cause, he brought the ideas so he should be the one to go first Rio said.

"Sure sure who is going to ask me questions' Leo asked.

"Me me pick me!, The others could only shook thier head looking at, James acting like this.

"Sure go on, But let the questions be reasonable and do not ask me stupid questions. Leo said.

"Wait am not suppose to ask you questions instead you would be the one to tell two truth one lie then we guess. If right you will tell us if not we missed it'James re explained.

"Ohh yes you are right I forgot that part, Leo said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Go on you are wasting our time with you rubbing your neck. 'Edward complained.

"I have a kid, I want to get married, am a virgin."Leo said his words.

"Who would go first, Leo looked around and saw everyone quiet he had to speak.

"This is quiet hard, Edward mumbled unknown that everyone is feeling the same.

"The virgin part they don't know if it truth, Leo, Edward along side with James are the man whore of the group.

"Get married! , James yelled which earned him different glares from the people in the van. Cough * cough.

James faked his coughed and patted his chest to make them stop staring at him but it got worst.

He wanted to dig a hole right now to bury himself he didn't know he would be that loud.

But ,Leo came to his rescue. "You are right.

When the they heard this they couldn't bekive thier ears but they knew, Leo was definitely a mystery man.

As expected of him he always have this sence of mystery, just like you know.

"Wait does that mean you have a kid!, James screamed once again. "He tried to stop himself from yelling bit it was to late.

He his, definitely sure no one will come to his rescue. "But he noticed no one was staring at him instead all eyes was one, Leo.

"Wait are you for real, you have a kid. Ayla was in disbelief. "Mm Leo nodded.

"Nicholas could only smile, Leo is only a year older but he already has a kid while him is still a virgin.

He could only chuckle at himself this also earned a stare to why his smiling.

Nicholas raised his hands and pointed to ,Leo with that all attention was all back at, Leo.

Now Leo regreted his decision bringing this game ideas it definitely backside in him." Yes I have a kid are happy now.

"How old, 'Ayla asked. "5 she is five' Leo replied.

Wow you gave birth early now it was 'Noval who spoke. "Leo nod once again.

"You guys are ruining the game like this let moved James voiced out.