Little kid

The game continued, until it was. Nicholas turn." Virgin, good looking, cold.

His words earned him glanced from different people that in the van." Nicholas knew it would be hard to believe.

"Good looking, ' James said with his eye's brows raised. "No that not a lie. " So which one is.

"Why do I have to tell that not even the rule of the game' Nicholas said with shyness. "This action didn't go unnoticed by the group.

"What is it that could make this cold ruthless guy, be shy mmm I need to find out, James thought "

Das was laughing like crazy inside but his face didn't even change but his inside is in turmoil.

"Wait are you a virgin 'Edward questioned. "Definitely not why would I be a virgin. Nicholas said while his neck is has a shade of red.

"So you are truly a virgin, Now it was Noval turn to tassee him."Nicholas wanted to bury. Himself in embarrassment.

"Thier is nothing to be sh.. ha hahaha ha , Ha is definitely funny can it not stand. James eyes are pointing in, Nicholas lower body.

"Nicholas followed his gaze and looked at his lower body before speaking quickly. "What the hell do you it can't stand, Nicholas was shaking with anger and embarrassment.

"Well i didn't mean it that way but, Why would a good looking man like you be unopened. Thier can only be two reasons."

One you are impotent or two you are shy to talk to girls, 'James pointed out the reason why he thought that.

"Let not play this game no more it starting be boring. "The other's understood what he meant and moved to the next game.

"The game went on for almost an hour until the guy thier tailing came out from the bar.

"His car zoomed of fbut the group didn't follow him instead they waited for the others that followed him inside to come out.

Why. Of cause the group could catch him any time or day thier is a tracker with him. But to be on the safer.

Edward along side with Leo followed him, While the others waited.

But it didn't take long before 5 people came out, The group was sure it was them cause the group.

Recognized, Two of the people outside so they concluded that thier together and the group wasn't wrong.

Thier indeed, Rodriguez friends but for some weird reasons thier acting weird. "Which very suspicious.

"Because of that the group spilted yet again, Nicholas with Noval." Followed the strange five people.

"While the other went to join, Edward and Leo."The group brought three car two sports cars one van.

"Why do they look strange. "I really don't know but the way thier acting it saying thier doing things thier not supposed too.

"Is that why you told the other to meet up, with Leo and Edward. "Mm Nicholas nod to ,Ayla question.

"Nicholas was able to read ,Rodriguez and his friends. " He knows that, Rodriguez is definitely a person that brags.

"And with the looks his friends are giving thier definitely doing something that was not right but they held the belief.

It was for the best, Nicholas didn't know he could do it but he is able to and it has help him in many situations.

"That also the reason why he told the others to join the two because if what he thought was right.

Thier would be an ambush he knows those two could handle eachother, but he doesn't want them to get injured.

"And he also wanted them to subsued the attackers so they could be questioned that his new plan.

"Voom voom voom!...."The sport car stoped before it got to the dark alley where the thier have been tailing parked.

"Don't you think we should move alittle closer?" No that would make them raise thier guards up.

"They would probably have noticed a car is following them so we have to play it cool for now.

"Noval nod at, Nicholas explainational."They waited in the car for 5 minutes because the people they tailed refused to come out.

"It was after 5 minutes, They came out."After another 5 minutes." Nicholas and Noval also exited the car.

Puting on a sunglasses." Nicholas and Noval walked hand in hand to the club and entered the club.

That is the dark alley. "Where is your ID a rough voice echoed in the dark alley. " Nicholas looked up to the man who is a head taller than him ad way bulker.

"We don't have."Then you can't enter the voice, Said once again. "Nicholas sighed. "What about this way can I pay my way in.

"The man bulker than, Nicholas looked down at him while bursting into laughter, Ha haha ha ha ha."Paying your way in ha haha.

"Do you think is a place for teenagers love or what ha ha the bulk man, Said while trying to ruffle, Nicholas hair.

"Nicholas swat his hand from his hair while sighing again." He didn't want to fight now but he has no choice.

"Nicholas and Noval just knocked out three gurad that guarding the club entrance. "Now thier dragging thier body to the alley.

"Nicholas is looking at, Noval with different gaze he didn't know a assassin like her could have a heart.

"What why are you staring at me like that, is my hair rough. "Nicholas shook his head. "Then what are you looking at me like that.

"Nothing is just surprising you told me to drag the body there, Nicholas pointed with his chin.

"Ohh I said that cause if we are coming back I don't want to see them it will make me irritated. "Ahh now I understand.

"He knew Noval, so her suggesting that was a shock t him but now, He confirmed is because she doesn't want to trip on her a way.

Or puke that why.

"Pa pa! , All done now I hope we don't get to fight inside. "That definitely impossible.

"It been a while since I fought so this would be a warm up." Nicholas looked at, Noval who is giggling because she will fight inside. She definitely something.