Drink up

Nicholas glanced around the room with a furrowed brows. "Different activities was taking place. But this look more a casino than a club.

He also noticed another two bulker guards then seem to be guarding something precious.

"Noval lean closer to,Nicholas and whispered something to his ear."i think this is casino not club.

"I also think the same we should act cool and head to where the guards, are guarding and try to get it hopefully not forcefully. Nicholas whispered back while smiling.

To the people staring at him and, Noval." But they avert thier gaze from them since they were aware that no one could enter.

Without ID or enough money so they relaxed and countied thier activities.

"With that Nicholas was able to sigh in relief, it would be pain in the ass if he and, Noval had to beat almost 30 people in the room.

It not that he couldn't but he rather not and solve it peacefully and also go home peacefully.

"Nicholas and Noval still worked hand in hand to the door the guards are staying.

"Halt what business do you have to want to come here."Nicholas smiled and speak, well I was invited to come.

"That I would be able to do all the dirty things without being questioned in here. Nicholas head was pointing at the door.

'Noval who saw, Nicholas act was trying her best to burst into laughter and ruined his work.

"Okay the person that invited should have told you the rule." Nicholas nodded. " And you are aware you can only enter with two things.

Nicholas nod once again. " One ID to show that you are members or two big money to know if you qualified to seat with the people inside.

"Nicholas nod again and brought out his phone showing is account balance. " The guard who saw many zeros.

"Attended to them with respect he tried to count the zeros buy he couldn't. " Sir welcome you can come in ,he quickly open the door for them.

Nicholas nod before tangling his hand with, Noval and entered, but before they could the other guard tried to stop them.

But the other quickly interfere and they were able to enter peacefully. "Nicholas smiled knowing his planned worked.

Noval have a lot of questions to ask but not here thier here to work." Entering the room. "It looks totally different from the one outside.

"This looks like a palace it was so luxurious they saw alot of men women kissing doing all rubbish.

"Noval didn't spare them a glance and just looked around the room.

"Now this looks like the house of sin where rich comes to sin in peace, Nicholas whispered.

"Mm you are right looking at them right now makes me want to puke." Nicholas laughed looking at ,Noval pale face.

"Showing that what she saying is true she is about to puke."Nicholas whispered something to, Noavl which made her pale face turn to red due....

"Nicholas was looking for the five friends that entered this room he has checked the first room and was sure thier not there.

"Yes we call the people he should be ambush by now, One of Rodriguez friends reported to a stranger man." Ha ha ha that brat he about to get what he deserved.

"Nicholas hasn't stop glancing at the he was about to stop when he sighted them." Caught yah.

"Nicholas didn't walk to them instead he looked at the strange man thier talking to."It seem like thier reporting.

"Nicholas was still staring until one the guys eyes meet his." He quickly avert his gaze going close to the bar.

"Can I have two glass vodka." Sure." Nicholas payed the bill. "Here is your order. " Nicholas took the glass of vodka and was about.

"To drink when this smell hit is nose."Nicholas leaned closer to Noval was still in her head.

Imagining werid stuff snapped out of it when she heard what he said."We have compromised we have to fight our way out.

"Damm how did we get compromised quickly. "Well technically it my fault I caused it buy it doesn't matter what matter now us meeting up with others quickly.

"Ta! Nicholas dropped the glass of vodka infront of the bartender, cause him to furrows is brows.

"Drink up, "What do you mean drunk up it yours not mine. " I know that why am offering my Drink for you to drink.

"The bartender gluped it looks like he was able to firgue his plan." Nicholas was still looking at him with a face that says what are you waiting for.

"The bartender was about to pull something out under the table." But Nicholas didn't give the chance.

"Bang!, Ouch you could have done a better job."Nicholas banged his head on the table knocking him out.

"This got the attention of everyone in the room the total people in the room is 15 except fron them of cause.

"It seem we are really going to fight. Noval could only shake her she didn't know, Nicholas had this behavior. But she loves it.

"Nicholas calp! Clap!. Let finish this quickly an starving." Noval chuckled, Nicholas is definitely acting like a big baby.

"Yahhh!!!!, The people in the room shouted." Bang! Crash! Thud! Pa! Paw!.

2 minutes later, all the people in room are 17 only six are conscious. The other are knocked off.

"Mm so let start this from the beginning. "Why are you here. "One if Rodriguez friends raised his head up looking at, Nicholas.

"For some weird reasons he didn't know but this man infront of him look so familiar but he can point out where.

"Nicholas smiled, I look familiar right Mm well let me introduce myself., You can call me Grayson.

"But I would like to refer as, Mr Grayson. "The guy who heard what. Nicholas said who in turmoil shock.

"What his is he doing here or does he knows thier plan, No he can't know. "But why or how is he here.