"I DO NOT PLAN TO ANYWAY."Leo let take them to hell for a few minutes. "Aye aye Bruh.

"BANG! CRASH! POW! POW! POW! POW!."What do you think is going on?"I have no idea but am sure thier would be fine." I hope -James.

"Few minutes turn to 30 minutes,Every where was silent." It way better to be hearing the noise rather than this silence.

"Pit pat." Nicholas walked drenched in sweat and blood his knuckles were paled and bloody." Most of the blood on his pink tank top.

"Were not his but his's also thier he got hit."Nicholas glanced around the room. Looking for, Leo.

"Cough* cough *, Nicholas walked to the source of the noise." And saw, Leo looking worse than him.

"Man you are here, Leo tried to stand up but his legs gave away allowing him to slump to the floor."I got you man, Nicholas said.

"And supported him to stand up."Thank you man, Leo patted, Nicholas shoulder."Nicholas looked up.

"Are you good?'Nicholas asked.'Am fine man thanks."Nicholas smiled at, Leo.

"He has been hit in his shoulder.' Nicholas too has been hit but is still in pretty good condition than, Leo.

"Nicholas stragged to the training room with, Leo by his side."He swung the door opened with his elbow.

"James ran to help them and quickly supported, Leo who seems to be hanging in the line of death and life.

"Nicholas isn't also better. "They didn't plan for things to escalate to this extent."If they didn't prepare beforehand thier would have a lot of loss.

"Is so funny not a single police is here."James even called when everything turned silent."He didn't want to lose his friends.

"Most of them has been injured before the fight even started. "Edward, Ayla Noval."They got a lot of injuries from the bomb.

"Nicholas do we go to the hospital?."Yes we have to immediately but first but we need to treat, Leo first.

"What about you talking you look like you are about to faint, James exclaimed in anger.

"He knows that the type of person, Nicholas is but that doesn't mean he die for them.

"James calm down good see."Nicholas stretched his hands for, James to see his fine."James could only shook his head at, Nicholas.

"His literally bleeding like a tap and his saying his fine."Nicholas we can't wait for long we have to go now.

"James didn't even wait for answer and quickly rushed to, Leo and scooped him in hand like a little kid and rushed to the.

"Private parking space, He carried everyone expect from, Nicholas, Ayla and Noval. "Cause before he could come back to carry them.

"Thier already outside the van. "James could only sigh seeing' Nicholas carrying someone with that much injury.

"Rio is also in the car he also hit by gun, when they went to defend thier home."But Nicholas chased them back inside.

"Leaving only him, And Leo on the battle field, And they conquered with few sacrifices.

"Which is none other than thier blood but thier fine."James didn't waste anything and speed like a mad man.

"This is even got, police chasing them' But James didn't stop the only time he stoped was when he got to the hospital.

"He rushed to the hospital and got nurse outside with different bed to place."Everyone included, Nicholas.

"EMERGENCY GUN SHOT WOUNDS AND BOMB.'Which causes internal bleeding. "Prepare surgery the surgery room' The doctor Yelled.

"Get all available doctor and meet up immediately."Everyone in the hospital was curious.

'To see people being rushed in and also bleeding like crazy."The nurse pushing, Bed kept staring.

"He looks familiar, but she can't tell where she has meet him or seen him before."

James tried to follow them in but the doctors refused. 'James like is going crazy his the only that is not injured in the house.

"Well that was what he thought ,Before he fainted." Someone fainted in the lobby attend to him.

"Everyone in the lobby his seating before pitted him because. "It seems he knows everyone that was rushed in.

"Oh my God, I pity that man' A stranger said. " I don't pity anyone did you know what they did' Another strange replied, Whatever they get I believe they deserved it.

"Everyone in the lobby that heard what the crazy man. Could only shook thier head." I don't know but that guy looks familiar. ' Whoah man I thought it only me.

"Not long after the people in lobby said thier opinions."The News came on which caught all thier attention.

"A uprising famous, Business man has been attack in his hotel. The reporter announced "This got all the onlookers to know the businessman.

"The hotel that has been attacked it the one and only, Hotel that has been just recently purchased by. Grayson Enterprises.

"Gasp.. Gasp...." The lobby turned silent Everyone couldn't believe thier ears they wanted to hear the rest of the news.

"But it just like the reporter is enjoying the supences before she continues. " Mr Grayson has been attacked in his home.

"Along sides with his friends that also head some of his company. "The police confirmed few minutes ago.

"That Mr Grayson and his friends has been rushed to the hospital." WHICH HOSPITAL.

"Everyone in the lobby shouted and it just like the, Reporter heard what they said and answered her.

"The name of the hospital where. Mr Grayson and his friends has been rushed to.Is none other than( UCLC) Medical center.

"Everyone in the lobby looked at eachother. "This is the hospital right A man was able to speak. " Mm' another answered.

"The reporter continued her reports." This is the penthouse of, Mr Grayson before and now.
