A man in a grey suit, Creased his brows."Before turning around to look at the person that barged, into his office without knocking.

"But when he saw that it was his precious daughter."His frowned creased, turned soft immediately.

"He walked to his daughter that is walk runing to him." He pulled his daughter in his embraced and hugged.

"Her, Ellla didn't refused her father hugs but after few minutes she pulled away from him in hurry to ask the question.

"Damien who saw the rushnees in her couldn't help but frown. Why she in hurry-Damien.

"Dad do you remember our neighbors in Italy 'Ella asked. "Damien stare at his daughter, before nodding.

"You said something happened to them, but you never really explained dad what happened?' Ella inquired.

"Damien sighed he knew he had to explaine soon or later but he didn't expect it to be now. Damien inqure, Ella to sit but."She refused and remained standing.

"Damien compiled with her decision and start to explain what happened 10 years ago.

"You see, Mrs, Grayson came in a distinct evening and told me to leave and go far away from thier.

"Ella eyes brows furrowed but she didn't say anything and listened to her father." At first I rejected that she can't control me or anything.

"But what she said made me fear for not only my life but yours this what she said." Are you not happy seeing your princess.

"I already paid the price of not taking a stupid warning seriously just like you. And now I lost my princess.

"Mr Thomas, I wouldn't want you make the same mistakes me and my husband made and am not doing this for am doing for the little girl.

"After saying that she left, I wasn't able to sleep I heard some casualty happened but I didn't know someone died.

"To be frank thier daughter died, with that I made my decision and ready to flew with you and myself.

"But before I could she sent someone to me and sent the person to give me money which helped in my business today.

"Why are you doing this? I questioned her replied was this." Like I said before not for you but her.

"After we settled in, New York few months after I heard that the woman and the man died but thier son managed to escape.

"No one knew where but the informat told me, New York I tried to find him but it was useless which means either the information is wrong.

"Or he hid pretty well. With that, Ella father finished his explanation.

"Ella still hasn't say anything she was trying to process everything. That was also when a memories flahed in her mind.

"If you were to change your name what would you change it to? Young Ella asked. "Mm I don't know but am pretty sure it will start from n. Young Nicholas answered.

"Why?" I don't know but it sounds cool and I would definitely try it." And what would you want to change your name to.

"Luna I would to bare luna. " Which means am your alpha roar!.

"Young Ella and Nicholas laughed they made a lot of promises to eachother.


"I would be your first." What do you mean first?. "I would be your first man.

"Like the first one to date me? Ella asked. " Nicholas shook his head before speaking. "No I would be the one to dis virgin you.

"Ella face turned crimson red before yelling.' What rubbish are ..y ou saying..." I don't know but I would like to be your first.

"Maybe. " No Maybe Ella, Nicholas scooped closer to her." See I would be your first and you would be mine to.

"Are you saying you won't sleep with other ladies before me, Ella asked with her red checkes. "Mm Nicholas nod.

"Does that mean we would get married?. "I don't know I may meet pretty girls than you in the future and marry them so I don't know.

"Ella slaped, Nicholas shoulder which got the latter to laugh. "Ella pouted. "Ella I don't know if am going to marry you but you will be my first and have my baby.

"Ella looked up and looked at the serious looks in his." Ella took those words seriously no man has ever laid with her.

"She kiss and do a lot more but not the deeds ,He would be her first while she would be his first.

"Ella know thier is possibility he already broke his words but still she didn't break hers.

"But know hearing what happened to him how he lost everything if he did to cool his frustration she wouldn't mind.

"She still want to bare his kid have a little, Nicholas in her.

"Ella's dad has been calling her since she didn't answer until he shook her body which made her snapped out of her stupor.

"What are you okay?. "Am fine." But why are you sweating much the ac is on.

"Dad I have one more question. " Go on." Nicholas Grayson have you heard of him.

"Hearing that made Damien face look sad."Ella who saw was confused. " Yes I do his one of our shareholders and largest one.

"It so sad to see him in that state 'Damien said."Your shareholders and largest one?."Yes he joined few months and he even asked of you..

"He said to call him if you are back from your trip I wanted to call him tomorrow before but. Now look at what happened.

"He asked of me?" Mm her father nod." His he Jaxon is he looking for me I thought I thought he forgot me, Ella utter in a low voice that only she would hear what she said.

"Dad I have to go know' Ella pecked her father checkes before her father grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going? "Dad am going to(UCLC)To see Mr Grayson. " Ohh Thank God.

"I wanted to go before but you can go in place be safe. And who is going to escort. "It just Like set on cue.

"Zoey opened the door with a laboured breathing trying to speak. "Ella's eyes shine bright.

"Before turning to her father. She would dad." Stay safe and send my regards to him."Okay Dad.

"Ella rushed to where, Zoey is trying to catch her breath and dragged her along with.

"Hey where are we going?"(UCLC) Don't asked questions again.