"In the lobby, Ellla and Zoey sat in chairs that are in the lobby." And all of them are occupied with people.

"It seem the news got everyone eager." Ella could only sigh seeing this much people is annoying sometimes.

"Cause they won't keep quiet their always talking always it almost like a bee singing to her.

"Ella was still dealing with her predicament. When bunch of new people entered, The lobby with carmeras and microphone.

"Ella's sighing was now heavy as hell." What hell are the reporter doing here."Soon enough two doctors and nurses.

"Came to stop the reporters from continuing thier step to a patient room. "Please it can not be allowed, for you to see the patient.

"He just woke up and am sure his traumatized. You guys burdening him with questions would make is recovery slow.

"Yes what the doctor said is right let the patient rest am sure, you all saw the news and aslo the hell this guys went through.

"Why don't you let him rest and interview him or whatever the hell you guys do. One of the people in the lobby suggested.

"Yes what ,she said is right come back or get out." Mumbles left and right was heard has everyone is giving thier opinions.

"Now that the, Reporters has been corned. They have no choice but to go cause if they don't, this would escalate that not what they want atleast not now.

"Has the reporters was turning to take thier leave a firgued appeared in the mist of every body and this person got all the attention that in the room.

"The reporters who saw, James in front of them without going to meet him was like thier gods was blessing them.

"They swined all around, James like ants when they see sugar." Pushing the microphone to his mouth.

"Flashing the carmera at his eyes." James glanced around with a creased brows." Is this what in meant by surprise. James thought.

"After the look over, James didn't spare the reporters infront of him a glance and walked past all of them leaving them dumbfounded.

"James walked to one of the doctors and grabbed him by his shirt, before speaking. "Hey where the hell is the cafeteria am starving.

"When the onlookers first heard this they thought they weren't hearing properly but. James repeating is words made them realize it wasn't them it was him.

"James walked to the cafeteria order half of the food in the cafeteria menu. "Is food was served...

"James was eating like a glutton not caring that the carmera his right on his face." He takes food important than his reputation.

"After done with his foods. He knows waved his hands for the reporters to come and ask thier questions.

"The reporters who saw this didn't waste any time and rushed to him." The people that was in the lobby also followed along, including Ella and Zoey.

"Mr Hart, How are you feeling now.'The reporter questioned. "Am fine I guess, James shrugged after he answered.

"Mr Hart. How do you feel about the genocide that happened to you and your friends. " Honestly I feel terrible.

"Care to elaborate, Mr Hart." Me and my friends we were celebrating our success in obtaining a new contract.

"Then we decided to celebrate I actually suggested to go to the club. But they refused now look at it.

"Mr Hart. Do you have anyone or culprit in mind to have done this." I don't know, Nicholas have some enmeys. "But I don't think it would be to this extent death.

"Mr Hart, When Mr Grayson handed the gun to you how do you feel and if it was real would you still have used it." James glare at the reporter asking stupid questions.

"But he still replied. " Actually I wished it was real so I could have blow those modafucker faces.

"The reporter felt chil down in spine, but the same could be also said for the onlookers. "James who noticed what his mouth has causes cursed under his breath.

"Before trying to clear the air." But I wouldn't have used if it was real I can't go to jail I haven't even given birth.

"It was now the reporters could be able to breath and continued his questions.

"Mr Hart. Do you think Mr Grayson would survive this. "Of cause I could even bet my entire life savings on it.

"But. Mr Hart' Mr Grayson was injured a lot he got hit twice one in his shoulder the other in his low abdomen.

"Shit' That bastard only told me he got hit in his shoulder. " James didn't know he was talking out loud.

"The reporters eyes and the people present in the room faces turned sad." They interpreted what,James said wrongly.

"Mr Hart. We have few more questions hope you don't mind. " Of cause go on with your questions. '" Mr Hart, you are the only who didn't really get injured in the bomb explosion.

"James sighed before explaining with a gloomy face." I didn't because I was far away from the living area,. I went to my room to bring game out to play.

"Everyone in the room was confused. "What I meant was that I had some games card in my room since we were celebrating I decided that we should play games.

"But Mr Hart. Don't you have a game in the living area, The reporter inquired. " Mm No causing my friends are boring if not we would have gone to the club and escaped all this.

"The reporters sigh and asked him few more questions before ending the interview and bidding their good bye.

"James this would definitely turn in our favor so you have to say things reasonable and don't fucked it up.

"I Won't, Nicholas but it wouldn't hurt to know everything. "It a surprise but don't get surprised, Nicholas grined.

"James chuckle to himself thinking how could he have thought that with a step away from death.