
"Nicholas 'How do you get yourself a enemy who tried to kill you and your friends 'Ella questioned.

"Ella not, here's Nicholas said while his gaze was on the carmera in the room."Ella who followed his gaze understood.

"When are you getting discharged."Am not sure but I want to leave right now, but am sure the hospital authorities won't allow so probably tomorrow. 'Nicholas answered.

"Ohh yes you are right, but where would you stay now?, or you could come stay with me and my dad and friend. 'Ella suggested looking at, Nicholas worriedly.

"Nicholas chuckled. "Thank you for your worries but I have another penthouse. "Ella scratches the back of her head looking stupid.

"Nicholas smiled, looking at her reaction. She looks so good and cute. " Mm do I sound stupid for suggesting that.'Ella inquired.

"Of cause not, You suggested because you care about me'Nicholas move closer to. Ella and pulled her checks.

"Ella swated, Nicholas away from her checks" When she realized what she did. "Am sorry I didn't mean to.

"It fine i understand. "You do not.' Of cause it your instinct not you."Jaxon you grew smarter or wait should I call you, Nicholas?.

"Nicholas finally you are awake why... 'James eyes landed on Ella and was shocked before asking questions. 'Who is she.

"James this. Ella. "Ella ella Ella 'Wait she the one you are looking for."Nicholas nod."Whao she found you right. "Mm, Nicholas nods once again.

"James was about to ask something else but."Nicholas eyed him which made him keep his mouth shut.

"Well this is private conversation so I would take my leave. "Nicholas if you done, check up on,Noval.

"With that, James left the two adults to clear things out.

"With the last words, James left every where was pin silence.

"She already prepared her mind to find out his dating but it still hurts. But who can blame him. His handsome filthy rich, What could a lady want more.

"Nicholas wanted to strangle. James with the words he said. But he also loves the way her face changed.

"Ella who caught 'Nicholas gaze at her cleared her throat."Nicholas you and Noval are you perhaps dating?.

"Nicholas who heard are question wanted to burst into laughter but he composed himself before answering. "Well you see the thing is."Ella's took a deep breath ready for his answer.

"Nicholas couldn't take it anymore, and laughed out loud before finally answering. "We are not dating we are just friends.

"Ella who finally heard his answer finally exhaled. "But but I thought. " Yes everyone thought.

"Me and Noval did our one two but we talked it out. "When Ella heard one two her heart accelerate thinking he already broke the promise.

"But what was she expecting even though, his single that doesn't mean he hasn't done it count less of time.

"Nicholas flicked, Ella forehead which made her whimpered in pain. "Why did you do that she looks annoyed.

"What were you thinking 'Nicholas tunted her."Well I wasn't thinking of anything out of line.

"So do you mind telling what it is that you are thinking that you think is within line.'Nicholas asked.

"Well I thought you have you know. "I don't know anything so do you care to elaborate."Ella felt like burying herself with how, Jaxon is acting so shamelessly.

"Where was the cute boy she knew. "But every one talk of him being ruthless in business, are they sure thier talking about him.

"Nicholas shook are body. Is kt that much that you had to think of a way to put it."Nicholas questioned 'No not at all it just what you said.

"Which is?'Nicholas asked. "You did your one and two.'She blurted out.

"One two of what?'Nicholas questioned shamelessly. "He perfectly understood what she said but it would be no joy not to tease her properly.

"Well you know I do not know. "Hehe he' Why are thinking of prevent stuffs in my sick bed. "Wh..what do you mean prevent?. 'Ella stammered.

"Well I don't know you should know. "Nicholas repeated her words."Jaxon why are you like this. "Like what?'Nicholas asked with a furrowed brows.

"Looking all serious. "You are just teasing me we came here to talk and not for you to tease me." Mm okay sorry and don't also think out of line.

"Whatever, Ella cleared her throat." I think you should rest or do you want some foods?." Have been starving since and you just remembered to ask if I want some foods.'Nicholas pouted like a little kid.

"She chuckled, she wishes she could snap him just like this. But it would be disrespectful enough.

"And to clear that he just started to recover from what almost tool his life.

"Okay sorry let me go get you some foods."No not yet we are still discussing if we done my tummy can wait 'Nicholas said rubbing his tummy.

"Are you sure."100% ." OKAY THEN." You are owing me."What am are owing you? Ella asked with a confused gaze.

'The betting we did I won."You didn't. "Raya was the one that disgued with the balck face cap you said you would realize it me.

"You are kidding. "I am not I wanted to come and break it but that was when what happened started.

"It was the day your sister died Ella words were more like a whisper. But Nicholas managed to catch her words.

"It wasn't but it was the day she got shot,because of me.'Nicholas eyes was filled with emotions his trying to hold back.

"In those oceans eyes of his who water are threatened to come out." You how?" After the test for you to know if it me or not.

"Me and my sister had a weird feelings. "We tried to run to our residents. But I was weak my sister could have escape safely.

"But she was stubborn 'Nicholas didn't know the tears have escape and start to pour like a river stream.

"Ella who saw a strong young man losing his losing his composure like. Meant it made a lot to him.