"That a brilliant idea why didn't I think of this,of cause every man think with this lower half. 'OLIVER said.

"Charles who saw that Paul isn't saying anything asked. ' What do you think Paul?

"I think we should eliminate him that the best idea are you sure that modafucker would accept your offer to explore a garden.

"That a bad idea, Paul if anything happens to. Nicholas we will be the prime suspects 'Oliver said.

"Charles who heard this was shocked he didn't know, Oliver could make sense like this.

"Paul what Oliver said is right if anything happens to him we are one.

"And also thier is no man who doesn't think with his lower half.

"""""A/N: But you are wrong with. Nicholas hek hek hek hek hek.


Week later..

"Nicholas wasn't able to get discharged the second day because of some criss it was postpone.

"He got discharged yesterday." Nicholas and his friends got discharged from. The hospital.

"They all settled down in thier new penthouse it was the same design but bullet proof door this time.

"What are having for dinner?. 'James asked."You we are having your thighs 'Rios replied.

"The whole people in the living area burst into laughter. "Yo it not funny am starving. 'Are you a kid that you do not know what you what to eat.-Rios.

"Blah blah blah."James how about you take all of us for a treat. 'Nicholas suggested."Well, You see I do not you know t.'James is nervously scratching the back of his head.

"It done you are taking us for a treat. 'Edward said. "Man I didn't say I was going to" But you didn't object so we take it for a yes.

"We are all ready we don't need to change our attires cause we already look good. 'Noval said."And stood up followed by others.

"Making James curse under his breath.'shit am going bankruptcy and this stage.

"They arrived at a five star restaurant. "When they entered the restaurant they got a lot of glances thier way.

"In a high class restaurant where most noble men and women comes in suits and high fashioned dresses.

"But here bunch of good looking people entered the restaurant. With attires that looks like thier about to hit the gym.

"Everyone settled and order foods. James was still groaning in annoyes."Edward and Rios would pat his shoulder from time to time.

"Until it was time for the bill. Sir here is the check. The waitresses politely handle over the check to, James.

"Which almost made him cough out blood. The food wasn't even that good how the hell will it be 70 thousand dollars.

"James who was still staring at the check like his life's depend on. Noticed that all the eyes in the room was on him.

"What why are you staring at me like that?."James was confused on to why everyone is looking at him.

"Like seriously the food is bad."James who heard what the waitresses said." Cursed he didn't know his words was loud for everyone to hear.

"Here is my card."James gave his card to the waitresses who proceeded with the transaction.

"70 thousands dollars was nothing to. James he just acting dramatic. "James likes free treats and rarely spends his own money for treats for others.

"Edward hissed and walked of the restaurant."The other's followed expect from. Nicholas who patted James shoulder before leaving.

"James couldn't follow them atleast not yet the waitresses is yet to be back with his card. He couldn't possibly leave his card with her.

"Speak of the devil."The waitresses came a and gave, James back his card." James rushed outside but all the car was gone.

"He had no choice but to order a ride to take him to the penthouse. "James entered the living area and saw everyone laughing and giggles.

"He walked to the middle to get noticed but they ignore him. Like a air and continued thier conversations.

"James inhaled and exhaled before talking. "AM SORRY GUYS I WAS JUST JOKING I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE TAHT.'James screamed.

"Edward stood up and walked to where. James stood and punched his abdomen. 'Which made him grunt.

"Edward laughed and speak."We know and we didn't mean it, Like that it was just a prank.

"Also happy birthday. "James couldn't believe his ears. It was a prank one and they know it his birthday.

"And still let him take them in a treat it was just like. Rios was reading his mind."The treat was also part of the prank.

"We are going out later tonight."Birthday boy you didn't even think of telling us.'Ayla said with a pouted face.

"No it wasn't like that it wasn't just important. "And that for us to decide not you.-Noval.

"Ding !ding! ding!."Ayla pulled out her phone and saw a notification that made her day the best.

"Nic we have them."Mm Today is, James birthday so I don't think blood should be spiled in this joyous day.

"Tomorrow we deal with them but tonight let party. 'Nicholas said.

"Everyone in the room agreed with. Nicholas descion today they party.

"Tomorrow they bring hell to the ones who dared them.

"Rose and Edric so came for. James birthday party. Selena also came Das couldn't make but he sends his gifts.

"Nicholas also invited Ella and her friend. Zoey who is eyeing. Riso through out the party.

"Selena kept staring at. Ella after."Ayla explained everything to her.

"The day was the best day for all of them. By the time everyone arrived back at the penthouse.

"Everyone was knocked out even. Ella and friend couldn't make it home and decided to spend the nights with them.

"Everyone couldn't make it to thier room. All of them fell asleep in the living areas. "

Recreating the memories where they celebrated.

"Thier 3rd member.

"Ella opened her eyes and yawned. "She glanced across the room.

"Seeing that nobody could make it to thier room."Ella chuckled remember yesterday it was a fun time.