"The crew visited the client. "Sir I was just a messenger please spare me'A mid aged man was peeing his pants.

"After a tip of torture. "He discolsed the person who sent him.

"Haha it you bastard, you know you could have call me instead of stressing yourself going all over.'A man who his in late 50s said.

"I didn't want to trouble you that why I came 'Nicholas gave a sarcastic replies. "Which made the mam chuckled.

"The only reason for you to be here is that you found out I was the one behind you attacked. "Nicholas didn't answer neither did his expression changed.

"But that was all the man need."You are very smart boy."And that why I did business with you but, I didn't know what you did for the high top to want you dead.

"I was merely following the orders I have no grudge with you. I didn't want to but my precious. Ania was involved I had to.

"Nicholas listened to the man and his excuses. "The man infront of him his on his business partners. Mr Locksmith.

"He did what he had to do for his daughter to survive. And he doesn't have a problem with that.

"The man was still waiting for, Nicholas answered was scared and unscared."With the way all of them dressed here thier definitely more than.

"Business men and women that properly why the high up want him dead.

"Mr Locksmith, the high up. Who sent you. 'Nicholas voice didn't leave room for negotiation.

"Boy you are like a son to me. I would want you dead am happy you survived this but don't kill yourself you have king way ahead. 'Mr Locksmith tried to convince. Nicholas to let he matter go.

"Mr Locksmith i didn't come here for your advice or anything. Tell the name or I would make, Ania dissappear.

"When, Locksmith heard this his heart raced. "You bastard you better don't play with fire.'Locksmith said through his gritting teeth.

"Nicholas didn't like to use this method but it was the only way. He had someone in mind but he wanted to comfirm if it actually the person.

"Mr Locksmith, Ania is currently on hawail. "If you don't answe my question you can bid her farewell.

"When Locksmith heard thar he knew it was over for him."No one knew where Ania went expect from him..


"All his workers knew was she just traveling but they didn't know the destination. "If I tell you promise me you would not do anything funny 'Locksmith question.

"I wouldn't but you would compensate for me and my family stress' Nicholas said while glaring at his teammate.

"Compensate with what name it.'Mr Locksmith asked in hurry. "50% of your shares. "When he heard that he thought his ear stoped working for a few minutes.

"50%, That way to much. "Mr Locksmith you are wasting my time, please give me your answer.

"Locksmith stood still for a few seconds it seemed like his battling with himself inside.

"Locksmith sighed and finally agreed to. Nicholas demands. And he disclose the person who sent him.

"If, Nicholas demanded more it was worth it atleast he didn't kill him."After Nicholas and his crew left.

"The man stood up to see if the carmera manage to catch anything but It was empty like it was broken.

"Of cause what did he expect. He took care of the carmera, he his a smart man has expected of him.

"Nicholas mood had been soured since he heard the name if the person who ordered his death.

"IT WAS MASSIOM VNS GRAYSON. "He had a hunch it was hum. He wanted to kill him just like killing his family he would regret his decision.

"That was also when. Nicholas realized he had lost fouced on his mission which allowed this to happen to them.

"It won't repeat again he promised. "Man you are you good James asked with a concerned look.

"Am fine just a few things in my mind. Where are now."We got to the penthouse you didn't exit that I came to check on you.

"Oo thank you man I guess I got carried way." Nicholas exited the car walking to the penthouse.

"He got to the penthouse he didn't even look at anyone and just head to his room. "Everyone in the living areas was worried.

"They understand who,Massiom is. And they also know, Nicholas would take the blame saying his was not fouced.

"Everyone was worried about him. They tried to approach his door but they know it would be fruitless cause he won't open.

"I am so stupid to have forgotten my poor of cause his my prime suspects, I was a fool too think he would forget about me. Stupid stupid stupid!.

"Nicholas hollered while slapping his own head."Back then he didn't have anyone to protect.

"But bow he has a whole family and let his guard down which almost made him lose his new family.

"Nicholas crouched down at the side if his bed sobing to his heart content. " All the tears he holds back all this years was finally pouring.

"He needs to end this madness once abd for all this bastard can't keep killing people like he wishes.

"Before he deal with him he would deal with his children. Making him suffering the same he did.

"Nicholas was in rage he eyes was blinded. "Before he deals with the he needs to make all his allies go bankruptcy.

"All of his warehouse going in family his money missing. That would piss him off which his what he needed.

"Nicholas thought of our he would excute his plan all alone. "With out informing the others they tried enough for him.

"Nicholas freshen up and cut his hair a little shorter during the year he allowed it to grow.

"Nicholas cut to the former size put on his usual. "MASSIOM VNS GRAYSON. I would make you smell hell.

"Nicholas utter with a red eyes which due to his cries.